Page 203 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 203

Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  203

                                                              system for low energy X-rays using
               NASC and values of the core basis – BEF. It was   a free air ionization chamber
               possible to conclude that the best methodolo-
               gy to evaluate the elements enrichment in the   A primary standard system was established
               Pantanal, for the present study, was the BEF.  for low energy X-rays (10 kV to 50 kV), using
                                                              a free air ionization chamber with concentric
               Ionizing Radiation Metrology                   cylinders, Victoreen (Model 481-5), at the Cali-

                                                              bration Laboratory of Instruments (LCI). A new
               Development and characterization               ionization chamber alignment protocol was de-
               of special ionization chambers for             veloped for the radiation system and a mod-
               computed tomography beams                      ification on the micrometer housing used for

                                                              the movement of the internal cylinders was
               The use of computed tomography (CT) for im-    made. The results obtained for the stability
               aging procedures is growing due to advanc-     and characterization tests showed to be with-
               es in the CT equipment technology, because     in the limits established by the standards IEC
               they allow the acquisition of images with bet-  61674 and IEC 60731. The correction factors
               ter resolution than through other techniques.   for photon attenuation in the air, transmis-
               Therefore, they are responsible for increasing   sion and scattering in the diaphragm, scatter-
               the dose radiation of patients during the pro-  ing and fluorescence and ion recombination
               cedure. This fact led to a greater concern about   were also determined. These values were com-
               the doses received by patients who undergo     pared with those obtained by the German pri-
               this type of examination. To perform the do-   mary standard laboratory, Physikalisch-Tech-
               simetry in CT beams, the most widely used in-  nische Bundesanstalt (PTB), showing good
               strument is the pencil type ionization chamber,   agreement. Finally, the absolute values of the
               because this dosimeter has a uniform response   quantity air kerma rate for the standard qual-
               to the incident radiation beam for all angles.   ities direct beams MWV28 and WMV35 and
               The conventional ionization chamber, which     the attenuated beams WMH28 and WMH35
               is available on the market, has a sensitive vol-  were determined; the results are in agreement,
               ume length of 10 cm; however, some studies     with a maximum difference of 3.8%, with the
               have shown that this dosimeter has under-      values obtained using the secondary standard
               estimated the dose values. Therefore, in this   system of LCI.
               study two ionization chambers with sensitive
               volume lengths of 10 cm and 30 cm, making      Application of special ionization chambers
               use of low cost national materials, were devel-  for quality control in mammography
               oped at the Calibration Laboratory of Instru-
               ments. The characterization of these chambers   Mammography is an examination which uses
               was performed, and the results were obtained   X-rays to obtain images of the internal anat-
               within the international recommended limits.   omy of the breast. To provide a correct diag-
               As an application, the developed ionization    nosis, it is necessary that the equipment con-
               chambers and a commercial chamber were         stantly undergoes quality control programs
               tested in a clinical tomographer. The devel-   to ensure that patients submitted to this ex-
               oped ionization chambers were analyzed in a    amination do not receive more than the nec-
               complete way for their possible uses.          essary dose, thus avoiding unwanted possible
                                                              biological effects. The ionization chambers are
               Establishment of a primary standard            widely used as detectors to perform the qual-
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