Page 200 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 200

200   Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report

               person methodology are evaluated and com-      used to estimate biogeochemical fluxes of ma-
               pared to the critical group methodology cur-   rine particles and nutrients that occur in the
               rently used for regulatory control of Brazilian   water column as well as in the sediment. Sever-
               nuclear facilities. As a reference, the predict-  al research works applied the distribution and
               ed potential releases of radionuclides result-  the respective disequilibrium degree of natu-
               ing from the normal operation of the Urani-    ral radionuclides in the environment, including
               um Hexafluoride Production Plant (USEXA),      geochronological models for obtaining histori-
               located at Centro Experimental Aramar (CEA),   cal information on samples of certain sediment
               were used. Specifically, the objectives are: to   profile. The radiochemical characterization of
               carry out the environmental radiological im-   the distribution of  Ra,  Ra and  Pb from a
               pact for CEA, using the two recommended        sedimentary column called 1B (248 cm long)
               methods (deterministic and probabilistic) for   collected in the Admiralty Bay, Antarctic Pen-
               the representative person, as described by the   insula region, was performed. The methodol-
               ICRP (2006); to make the comparison of results   ogy used included the acid leaching of sedi-
               obtained with these methods with those ob-     ment samples followed by the radiochemical
               tained with the methodology used for the crit-  sequential separation of  226 Ra and  228 Ra by
               ical group; and, make a critical analysis of the   co-precipitation with Ba(Ra)SO4 and  Pb by
               need and the availability of data for the appli-  co-precipitation with PbCrO4. All measure-
               cation of these methodologies, as well as its   ments were carried out by counting of gross
               consequences for the operational control of    alpha and gross beta measures in a low back-
               CEA. Based on the results obtained, it is em-  ground gas flow proportional detector. The ac-
               phasized that the use of the methodology for   tivity concentrations of  226 Ra and  210 Pb were
               calculating critical group remains a simple and   used to estimate the unsupported  Pb activ-
               efficient way to evaluate radiological environ-  ities present in sediment profile 1B. Based on
               mental impact when compared to the use of      unsupported  Pb data and the application of
               the representative person methodology, which   the CIC model (Constant Initial Concentration),
               makes the establishment of monitoring pro-     it was possible to determine the sedimenta-
               grams, and therefore the environmental radio-  tion rate of 0.59 ± 0.05 cm·y1.
               logical control, simpler and objectives.
                                                              Study of natural radionuclides  Ra,  Ra and
               Natural Radioactive Tracers                    210 Pb in marine sediment cores from Southwest
                                                              Atlantic Ocean during the Holocene
               Evaluation of the activity concentration of
               226 Ra,  Ra and  Pb in sediments from          Natural radionuclides from  U and  Th se-
               Antarctica in the Admiralty Bay region         ries have been successfully applied as tracers
                                                              of environmental process and climate changes.
               The natural radionuclides from radioactive se-  The  Pb (half-life of 22.2 years) is used in the
               ries of  238 U,  235 U and  232 Th have been applied   geochronological dating technique of sediment
               as tracers in environmental studies for un-    cores of the last 100–150 years, and its respec-
               derstanding the dynamics that occur in both    tive sedimentation rate determination. The
               marine and terrestrial environment, as for ex-  study of  226 Ra and  228 Ra concentrations (half-
               ample, in research of oceanic processes and    lives of 1600 years and 5.75 years, respective-
               management of the coastal region. In the ma-   ly) helps calculate the activity of  Pb in excess
               rine environment, these radionuclides can be   in the environment, besides being important

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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