Page 205 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 205

Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  205

               mogeneous size, shape, and cleavage planes     ods was determined. The stability of the dif-
               characteristics of transgranular fracture, as il-  ferent computerized tomography equipment
               lustrated in Fig.5. Furthermore, doping yttria   with multiple detectors was also evaluated.
               with europium (Y2O3:Eu) led to formation of    The Fricke gel solution presented repeatabil-
               new defects, which in turn, supplied more ef-  ity better than + 5.5% using the O.A. spectro-
               fective EPR response. Y2O3:Eu rods exhibited   photometry technique and + 3.5% using MRI
               linear EPR dose response-behavior from 0.001   technique. The CT equipment presented re-
               up to 10kGy.  Thermal fading of EPR signal was   peatability better than + 0.2%. A skull phan-
               less than 20% during 162h. Complete cleaning   tom filled with the Fricke gel solution was de-
               of EPR signal was achieved by thermal treat-   veloped to determine the total collimation of
               ment at 1000oC/2h in air. These innovative re-  the CT equipment and the dose distribution
               sults show that rare earth based ceramics are   using the three-dimensional magnetic reso-
               promising materials for dosimetry.             nance imaging technique. The Fricke gel solu-
                                                              tion is easy and relatively quick to prepare,
                                                              but care must be taken to avoid contamina-
                                                              tion and lose the solution. The results obtained
                                                              confirmed the application of this type of do-
                                                              simetry to the CT equipment.

                                                              Metrology in Radiotherapy

                                                              TL response and intrinsic efficiency of
                                                              dosimeters irradiated using different phantoms
                                                              in clinical electron beam dosimetry

               Figure 5. SEM images of Y2O3:Eu rods sintered at 1600oC    Different phantom materials affect the elec-
               for 4h at room atmosphere, (a) general view of ceram-
               ic rod; (b) surface microstructure; (c) fracture surface, ex-  tron spectrum incident on the detector and it
               hibiting cleavage planes in transgranular fracture.
                                                              can alter the response of dosimeters to differ-
                                                              ent radiation types, so this fact should be con-
               External Dosimetry                             sidered in clinical dosimetry. The TL response
                                                              of LiF:Mg,Ti microdosimeters and CaSO4:Dy
               Dosimetry in computerized tomography           dosimeters were studied for 12 MeV electron
               and evaluation of the dose profile             beams using PMMA, liquid water and solid
                                                              water (SW) phantoms. The dosimeters were
               A new method for determination of absorbed     irradiated with doses ranging from 0.1 up to
               doses in computed tomography examinations      5 Gy using a Varian Clinac  0C linear acceler-
               was developed using the Fricke gel solution de-  ator using a 10 x 10 cm2 field size and 100 cm
               veloped at IPEN. Absorbed doses were deter-    source-phantom surface distance, with the do-
               mined by different methods of analysis: opti-  simeters positioned at the depth of maximum
               cal absorption spectrometry – O.A., magnetic   dose. CaSO4:Dy dosimeters produced at IPEN
               resonance imaging - MRI and ionization cham-   presented higher TL sensitivity and intrinsic
               bers. Lower detection limit, detection sensitiv-  efficiency than microLiF:Mg,Ti from Thermo
               ity and signal response repeatability of the   Scientific dosimeters for all phantoms. For the
               Fricke gel solution for the measuring meth-    three phantoms studied, the dose response
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