Page 230 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 230
230 Environmental Science and Technology | Progress Report
Environmental Chemistry (SPE) technique was used for extraction and
concentration of samples, followed by gas chro-
Environmental chemistry matography coupled to mass spectrometry, GC
and water science / MS, for the identification and quantification
of organic compounds. A large and diverse
Environmental monitoring of emerging pol- group of organic compounds such as person-
lutants, PAHs, pharmaceutical, endocrine dis- al care products, plasticizer, pharmaceutical
ruptors and organic markers in water for pub- and other products classified as potential en-
lic supply on the Guarapiranga dam, Brazil. docrine disrupters get the market every day.
Hormones and drugs stand out because they
This research aims to the development and val- are compounds potentially active in biological
idation of methods to use on investigation of systems and are related to the origin of vari-
some endocrine disruptors and others organ- ous types of cancers. After ingestion, the ma-
ic compounds present in the environmental, jority of human pharmaceuticals are excreted
which may affect the water quality of public in urine and feces via the sewage treatment
supply. Scientific cooperation programs, sup- network. The occurrence of these substances
ported by CNPq and FAPESP, were developed in in aquatic environment is due primarily to in-
partnership with SABESP and the Botany Insti- efficiency of conventional procedure (coagula-
tute. In this research, the solid phase extraction tion, and filtration) of the STPs that are unable
Fig. 1 Guarapiranga reser-
voir; São Paulo/SP-Brazil
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares