Page 235 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Environmental Science and Technology | Progress Report  235

               organic	 pollutants	                                                    Mirex,	Dieldrin,	DDT,
               that	 are	 regulated	                                                   Dioxins,	 Furans,
               internationally	 by	                                                    PCBs,	Endrin,	Hep-
               the	 Basel	 Conven-                                                     tachlor,	Toxaphene
               tion.	Among	the	ma-                                                     and	BHC),	besides
               jor	POPs,	one	could	                                                    the	adoption	of	sci-
               cite	 pesticides,	 di-                                                  entific	 criteria	 for
               oxins	and	PCBs	that	                                                    the	possible	inclu-
               represent,	according	  FIGURE 5 – Results from the Caieras sampling site  sion	of	others.	The
               to	the	United	Nations	                                                 HCHS,	or	Hexachlor-
               Industrial	Development	Organization	-	UNI-     cyclohexanes	also	called	BHC	or	Lindane,	are
               DO,	one	of	the	most	serious	and	urgent	prob-   organochloride	insecticides	that	have	been
               lems	to	be	faced,	because	of,	on	one	hand,	its	  banned	in	most	countries	in	the	70s	and	80s.
               wide	dissemination	in	environment	and,	sec-    These	compounds	are	highly	stable	and	toxic	to
               ondly,	because	of	its	properties	and	character-  the	environment	and	living	organisms,	among
               istics,	which	determine	its	persistence	in	soil	  which	are	addressed	in	the	work	as	chlordane
               and	water.	The	United	Nations	Environmen-      cis/trans	(C10H6Cl8),	heptachlor	(C10H5Cl7),
               tal	Protection	-	UNEP,	for	example,	launched	  heptachlor	epoxide	cis/trans	(C10H5Cl7)	and
               a	global	action	for	the	establishment	of	an	in-  the	isomers	α,	α,	α	and	α	benzene	hexa-chlo-
               ternational	treaty	to	reduce	and	/	or	eliminate	  ride	BHC	(C6Cl6).
               emissions	and	discharges	of	12	specific	POPs,
               also	known	as	“dirty	dozen”	(Aldrin,	Chlordane,	  Concerned	about	the	importance	of	the	prob-

               FIGURE 6 – Sampling sites of Caieras, São Paulo.  The numbers represent the sites in figure 1.
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