Page 240 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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240   Environmental Science and Technology | Progress Report

               Adsorption and desorption studies of           tamination	for	pharmaceutical	and	endocrine
               dyes and pharmaceutical compounds              disrupters	in	water	courses.	Nowadays,	it	is
               using biocarbon ceramics.                      widely	known	that	the	pharmaceuticals	com-
                                                              pound	present	in	water	pollution	is	considered
                                                              the	greater	responsible	for	the	increasing	bac-
                                                              terial	resistance.	Micronized	biocarbon	and	ce-
                                                              ramic	sorbents	as	magnetite,	diatomite,	and
                                                              water	treatment	plant	sludge	(WTP	sludge)
                                                              have	desirable	properties	for	environmental
                                                              conservation.	The	uses	of	such	adsorbent	ma-
                                                              terial	with	chemical	stability,	high	surface	area,
                                                              low	toxicity	and	especially	for	magnetite,	the
                                                              magnetic	response	enhance	the	water	treat-
                                                              ment	efficiency	with	low	cost	(Fig.	9).

                                                                 •   Analytical Chemistry & Metrology

                                                              Quality system based on ABNT
                                                              ISO/IEC 17025 Norm

                                                              In	order	to	align	to	the	requirements	of	Nu-
                                                              clear	Fuel	Cycle,	a	Quality	System	based	on
                                                              the	ABNT	ISO/IEC	17025	norm	is	being	imple-
                                                              mented	in	the	analytical	laboratories.	As	re-
                                                              quired,	laws	and	rules	compliances,	personnel
                                                              training,	documentation,	processes	and	envi-
               Figure 9 (a/b): SEM Micrography of biocarbon
               sample with 200x and 500x of magnification     ronment	monitoring	and	controlling	are	ex-
                                                              amples	of	what	kind	of	issues	are	to	be	done.
               The	agriculture	business	knows	Brazil	and	their	  Existing	analytical	procedures	are	being	config-
               products	around	the	world.	The	fertilizer	in-  ured	and	new	ones	are	in	course	according	to
               dustry	has	performed	high	yield	in	food	pro-   that	norm.	As	the	system	will	be	implement-
               duction	with	tendency	to	increase	daily.	The	  ed,	many	benefits	are	expected	not	only	about
               study	of	fertilizers	desorption	is	essential	to	  organization,	but	also	in	the	quality	of	results.
               modelling	and	predict	its	nutrients	releasing	  Procedure	validation	and	the	estimative	of
               capacity,	mostly	to	improve	its	use	benefits	  measurement	uncertainties	allowed	increas-
               and	avoid	the	environmental	impacts	of	high	   ing	the	knowledge	of	what	is	being	done.	In	a
               nutrients	discharge	in	surface	water	resources.	  broader	view,	this	local	system	is	part	of	the
               The	project	aims	to	the	use	of	Brazilian	biocar-  institutional	integrated	quality	system	man-
               bon	as	slow	release	fertilizer	in	the	early	steps	  agement	policy	which	includes	other	norms
               to	control	the	nutrients	input	to	the	environ-  of	conformity,	such	as	the	ABNT	NBR	ISO	9001.
               ment	by	desorption	processes	improvements.     As	the	system	is	implemented,	higher	levels
                                                              of	standards	are	met	showing	the	way	for	to-
               Raw	domestic	sewage	discharges	are	the	pri-    tal	conformity	assessment.
               mary	sources	and	the	most	responsible	con-

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