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242   Environmental Science and Technology | Progress Report

               ganisms.	The	main	projects,	carried	out	and	   elements,	such	as	Ca,	Cl,	K,	Mg,	Na,	S,	Fe	and	Zn
               ongoing,	are	listed	below.	                    are	important	for	athletes	submitted	to	con-
                                                              stant	and	hard	physical	efforts,	because	their
               Environmental	area	Environmental	diagnostic:	  health	and	physical	performance	depend	on
               Metal	pollution:	Brazil	stands	out	in	success-  the	variation	and	concentration	of	these	elec-
               ful	biofuel	technology	in	the	automotive	full	  trolytic	elements.	The	analytical	methodology
               flex	type.	Currently,	full	flex	type	cars,	(83%	of	  for	the	determination	of	the	electrolytic	ele-
               demand),	amount	to	about	3	mi	vehicles.	The	   ments,	in	whole	blood	samples,	has	been	es-
               determination	of	wear	metals	in	used	lubri-    tablished	by	EDXRF	(Energy	dispersive	X-ray
               cating	oils	is	an	important	factor	for	preven-  Fluorescence	Spectrometry)	for	the	long	dis-
               tative	maintenance	and	motor	engineering	      tance	runner;	and	the	results	will	be	compared
               performance,	in	the	automobile	area,	and	for	  with	NAA	(Neutron	Activation	Analysis)	data.
               the	concern	about	public	health	and	environ-
               mental	pollution.	Wear	metals	have	been	de-    Nuclear	area	Nuclear	fuel:	The	chemical	char-
               termined	in	the	used	lubricating	oils	collected	  acterization	of	the	nuclear	fuel	U3Si2	used
               from	biofuel	vehicles,	full	flex	type,	to	evaluate	  in	the	IEA-R1	reactor	has	been	performed	by
               environmental	impact	in	metal	release.	The	    WDXRF	spectrometry.	U	and	Si	content	plus
               project	has	been	performed	with	GM	(General	   impurities,	such	as	B,	Mg,	Al,	total	Ca,	V,	Cr,
               Motors)	cooperation.	Wood	preservation:	Bra-   Mn,	Fe,	Co,	Ni,	Cu,	Zn,	Mo,	Cd,	Sn	and	Pb	have
               zil	produces	around	1,2	mi	m3	of	treated	wood	  been	determined	using	the	Multivariate	Cali-
               to	meet	the	annual	demand	of	railways,	elec-   bration	method.	Nuclear	related	materials:	In
               tric,	rural	and	construction	sectors.	The	treated	  the	fabrication	of	nuclear	reactor	core	parts,
               wood	should	be	according	to	Brazilian	norms;	  Zircaloys	machining	scrapes	are	generated.
               the	majority	of	the	wood	preservative	product	  Two	metallurgical	processes	(VAR	furnace	and
               used	in	Brazil	is	CCA	(chromated	copper	arse-  powder	metallurgy)	were	applied	to	the	eval-
               nate).	The	analytical	methodologies	using	the	  uation	of	the	scrap	recycling	process,	at	the
               EDXRF	(Energy	dispersive	X-ray	Fluorescence	   CCTM	(Centro	de	Ciência	e	Tecnologia	de	Ma-
               Spectrometry)	and	PXRF	(Portable	X-ray	Fluo-   teriais,	IPEN).	The	characterization	of	the	ma-
               rescence	Spectrometry)	have	been	performed	    jor	constituents	(Cr,	Fe,	Sn	and	Hf)	and	impu-
               to	Cu,	Cr	and	As	determination,	in	treated	euca-  rities,	such	as	Al,	Ca,	Cu,	Mg,	Ni,	Mn,	Nb,	Pb,	Si,
               lyptus	(Eucaliptus	ssp)	woods.	The	results	will	  Ti,	V	and	W,	was	determined	by	EDXRF	spec-
               be	compared	with	FAAS	and	NAA	data.	This	      trometry.	Sulphur	withdrawal	degree	in	dif-
               study	has	been	carried	out	in	a	joint	work	with	  ferent	organic	solvents	has	been	performed
               IPT	(Instituto	de	Pesquisas	Tecnológicas,	SP).	  by	EDXRF	spectrometry.		Eye	makeup,	known
               Clinical	and	biological	area	Elements	such	as	  as	eye	shadow	is	an	old	and	recurring	custom
               Na,	Mg,	P,	Cl,	S,	K	Ca	and	Fe	in	the	whole	blood	  and	form	in	various	cultures	for	body	orna-
               of	mdx	humans	(healthy	population)	and	lab-    mentation		and	one	of	the	earliest	reports	of
               oratory	animals	(Dmd	/J	mice,	Crioula	breed	   the	use	of	makeup	dates	from	ancient	Egypt.
               horse,	golden	hamster)	were	analyzed	for	refer-  In	Brazil,	the	use	of	cosmetics	is	common	in
               ence	interval	values	determination.	Chemical	  several	age	groups,	and	commercially	easy	to
               characterization	of	biological	materials,	such	  access,	being	the	responsibility	of	the	National
               as	rabbit	urinary	stone,	lung	tissues	and	sali-  Agency	of	Sanitary	Surveillance	(ANVISA)	the
               va	from	Amblyomma	Cajannense	specie,	has	      supervision	of	these	products	as	to	the	safety
               been	outlined	for	clinical	studies.	Electrolytic	  margin	in	the	application	in	which	they	are

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