Page 241 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Environmental Science and Technology | Progress Report  241

               Analytical chemistry for                       tion	is	required.	A	Ca	/	P	molar	ratio	of	1.667	is
               environmental diagnosis                        consistent	with	the	theoretical	Ca	/	P	ratio	for
                                                              calcium	hydroxyapatite	with	a	composition-
               The	Laboratories	of	Chemistry	and	Environ-     al	formula	of	Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2,	whose	prop-
               mental	Diagnosis	Center	–	CQMA		have	es-       erties	are	well	discussed	in	the	literature.	The
               tablished	methodologies	for	evaluation	of	     aim	of	this	work	was	implementing	and	val-
               physical-chemical,	chemical	and	toxicolog-     idating	a	methodology	for	simultaneous	de-
               ical	parameters	to	support	several	research	   termination	of	major	and	minor	constituents
               projects	in	development	for	environmental	di-  in	the	hydroxyapatite	(HA)	as	well	as	provid-
               agnosis.	All	methodologies	adopted	are	estab-  ing	the	Ca	/	P	molar	ratio.	To	accomplish	these
               lished	in	the	standard	methods	(ASTM,	EPA)	or	  achievements,	wavelength	dispersive	x-ray
               specified	by	the	clients.	The	classic	methods	  fluorescence	spectroscopy	(WDXRF)	was	ap-
               and	instrumental	techniques	analysis	such	as	  plied.	This	is	a	non-destructive	technique	that
               atomic	absorption	spectrometry	(AAS),	induc-   requires	no	chemical	treatment,	enabling	fast
               tively	coupled	plasma	emission	spectrometry	   chemical	analysis	in	a	wide	variety	of	samples,
               (ICP-OES),	ion	chromatography	(IC),	gas	chro-  with	no	hazardous	waste	being	generated	as	a
               matography	(GC),	gas	chromatography	mass	      result	of	the	process	of	determination.	A	stan-
               spectrometry	(GCMS),	high	performance	liq-     dard	reference	material	from	NIST	(SRM	1400
               uid	chromatography	(HPLC;),	X-ray	fluores-     –Bone	Ash)	was	used	to	validate	the	method-
               cence	(WD-XRFS)	have	been	used.	The	Center	    ology	for	the	determination	of	magnesium,
               has	been	participating	in	several	international	  phosphorus,	potassium,	calcium,	iron,	zinc,
               and	national	interlaboratory	programs	spon-    strontium	and	the	Ca	/	P	ratio	in	HA	samples
               sored	by:	IAEA	(International	Atomic	Energy	   by	WDXRF.	The	Z-score	test	was	applied	as	a
               Agency),	INTI	(Instituto	Nacional	de	Tecnologia	  statistical	tool	and	showed	that	the	calculat-
               Industrial,	Argentina),	SENAC	(Brasil),	ABACC	  ed	values	were	of	less	than	1.8	for	all	the	mea-
               (The	Brazilian-Argentine	Agency	for	Account-   sured	analytes.
               ing	and	Control	of	Nuclear	Materials),	SABESP.
               (Basic	Sanitation	Company	of	the	State	of	São	  X-Ray Fluorescence Techniques
               Paulo,	Brasil)	and	Rede	Metrológica	Rio	Grande	  applied to environmental, geological
               do	Sul	(Brasil).	                              and biological studies Chemical
                                                              characterization of nuclear and non-
               Determination of a Ca/P Molar                  nuclear materials R&D activities
               Ratio in Hydroxyapatite (HÁ) by
               X-Ray Fluorescence Technique                   The	X-Ray	Fluorescence	Laboratory	(LFX)	has

                                                              worked	in	environmental,	biological	and	nu-
               Hydroxyapatite	(HA)	is	a	mineral	composed	     clear	areas,	establishing	new	analytical	meth-
               of	calcium	phosphate	employed	for	endodon-     odologies	using	the	X-ray	fluorescence	spec-
               tics,	restorative	dentistry	and	other	applica-  trometry	(WDXRF,	EDXRF).	Different	matrices,
               tions	in	orthopedics	and	prosthesis.	Addition-  such	as	soils,	sediments,	lubricating	oils,	treat-
               ally,	this	biomaterial	is	an	inexpensive	but	  ed	wood,	metal	environmental	pollution	mon-
               efficient	adsorbent	for	the	removal	of	heavy	  itoring	trees,	organic	fluids	and	nuclear	and
               metals	and	other	unwanted	species	of	con-      non-nuclear	materials	have	been	analyzed.
               taminated	liquid	effluents.	This	is	especially	  The	P&D	activities	have	been	supported	by
               interesting	when	low-cost	effective	remedia-   CNPq,	FINEP	and	IAEA	research	financial	or-
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