Page 238 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 238
238 Environmental Science and Technology | Progress Report
Chemical Safety, chemical and the environment. According to the Envi-
waste management, ronmental Agency of São Paulo State (Com-
environmental Risk panhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo -
CETESB), the fourth-leading cause of chemical
and Preventing risk emergencies in the state is the illegal dumping
of chemical waste. In this context, State De-
Study on municipal management of cree No. 59263/2013, which regulates Law No.
construction and demolition wastes. 13577/2009 on the protection of soil quality
and the management of contaminated areas,
The main problems faced by the cities related created the State Fund for the Prevention and
to construction and demolitions waster (CDW) Remediation of Contaminated Sites (FEPRAC)
are associated to the disposal of huge quanti- to identify and remedy these so-called “or-
ties. This paper presents the results obtained phan areas”. Addressing the complexities of
by Guarulhos City Hall with the implementa- chemical waste disposal when the source of
tion of waste reception from construction and the waste cannot be identified, FEPRAC pres-
demolition in 17 voluntary delivery points in ents itself as an economic instrument that can
the 2010 to 2014 period. In 2014, 54,793.10³ eliminate the danger in such cases by support-
kg of waste were received, enabling savings ing the proper removal, storage, characteriza-
of R$ 16,167,770.60 in the collection of ille- tion and final disposal of such waste based on
gal discharges. After separation of this mate- Contaminated Sites Management procedures.
rial, it was sent, to the Plant Waste Recycling,
the amount of 32,015.00 10³ kg mineral resi- Leaching tests on columns to
due grinding. Whereas all this material was evaluate the potential of pollutants
turned into sand (the cheapest of households in sludge and sludge/soil mixtures.
purchased by the city), after processing, a total
of R$ 1,152,540.00 was saved in buying fine ag- Water treatment plant sludge is a residue from
gregate. As an example of using this recycled the production of drinking water generated in
material, the experience of PROGUARU pub- large quantities in Brazil. Most of this sludge
lic company responsible for paving appears. has been disposed in river which can alter its
23,964 10³ kg in base and sub-base of flexible quality and cause risks to human health and
pavements were used. aquatic organisms. Some examples of bene-
ficial uses of this sludge are cement and brick
Illegal dumping of chemical waste in making, plant cultivation. Geotechnical and
the metropolitan region of São Paulo, environmental studies, involving sludge and
social and environmental impacts soil mixtures to enable the use of this sludge in
landfills, have been coordinated by a research-
In the State of São Paulo (Brazil), public in- er at the Escola Politecnica of the University
stitutions, such as the Fire Department, the of São Paulo in partnership with researchers
Civil Defense and the Environmental Agen- from the Nuclear and Energy Research Insti-
cy, have been involved in a high number of tute (IPEN) and the Technological Institute of
cases in which chemical waste has been dis- Aeronautics (ITA). These studies have received
carded on land, highway margins and access financial support from the São Paulo Research
roads as well as on streets and avenues. This Foundation (FAPESP) and the Basic Sanita-
harmful practice is a threat to public health tion Company of the State of São Paulo (SA-
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares