Page 244 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 244
244 Environmental Science and Technology | Progress Report
Implementation of ters, metals and semi metals in groundwater,
an Environmental collected at Ipen’s facility, are evaluated. The
Management Program monitoring is conducted in nine wells, in at-
tendance to the current Brazilian environmen-
on the campus of IPEN tal legislation, which requires the monitoring
of metals and semi metals in groundwater, in
Implementation of an Environmental Man- accordance with CETESB and CONAMA’s reso-
agement Program on the campus of IPEN in lutions. CETESB is the Sao Paulo State environ-
response to environmental agencies and IBA- mental regulatory agency and CONAMA is the
MA (Environmental License L.O. 1325/2016) Environmental National Council, both agencies
and based on Environmental Management that regulate environmental standards in Bra-
System ABNT NBR ISO 14000 : zil and regulate Ipen’s environmental activities.
Besides these two environmental regulators,
Ipen has to follow the request of the Term for
• Monitoring Program to the Adjustment of Conduct (TAC) from (IBA-
assist the non-radioactive MA), in order to support programs to prevent
chemical at IPEN campus; and control pollution resulting from activities
• Non- radioactive chemical of Ipen’s facilities. In the current PMA-Q, alu-
waste disposal program; minum (Al) antimony (Sb), silver (Ag), arsenic
(As), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), zinc
• Program for Monitoring and (Zn), boron (B), barium (Ba), calcium (Ca), iron
Control of Non-Radioactive (Fe), manganese (Mn), mercury (Hg) and nick-
Atmospheric Emissions;
el (Ni) are analyzed by using sensitive analyt-
• Non-Radioactive Solid Waste ical techniques as inductively coupled plas-
Management Program; ma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)
• Environmental Chemistry and graphite furnace atomic absorption spec-
Monitoring Program (PMA-Q); trometry (GF-AAS). These elements results are
evaluated in this paper. Both internal and ex-
• Report of the Social
Communication Program; ternal quality controls that uses data from in-
terlaboratory programs are discussed here. It
• Environmental Education was possible to conclude that IPEN’s ground-
Program, and water attends national standards and Ipen’s
• IPEN Annual Report on monitoring system operates under controlled
Environmental Management. quality conditions.
Atmospheric Emission Factors and
Temporal Comportment Assessment Significance Analysis applied to
of metals in groundwater on the the Air Quality Management in
campus at IPEN/CNEN-SP the IPEN / CNEN-SP Campus
Since 2006, Nuclear and Energy Research Insti- Due to the commitment to improve the envi-
tute (IPEN) performs yearly the Environmen- ronment, combined with the increasing de-
tal Monitoring Program of Stable Chemical mands of environmental agencies, and the
Compounds (PMA-Q). Among other parame- need to identify the contribution of each ac-
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares