Page 303 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 303

Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report  303

               Mechanical Properties                          DSA in the (b) and (c) conditions.

               Fracture mechanics and                         A fracture mechanics analysis of flaws in grind-
               mechanical properties of metals,               ing balls mills for mining plants was under-
               alloys and composites                          taken and the theoretical values of growth

                                                              rate of those defects were compared with ac-
               An elastic-plastic fracture mechanics study of   tual values obtained through periodic inspec-
               the application of Leak-Before-Break (LBB) con-  tions performed in this component. The cracks
               cept in a relatively small-diameter (273 mm    nucleation was caused by lack of lubrication
               diameter) high-energy nuclear reactor cool-    in the trunnion bearings, generating circum-
               ant line was done, where it is proposed AISI   ferential thermal stresses and the estimated
               316LN type stainless steel to be used as base   temperature of the trunnion and bushing con-
               material welded with AISI 316L coated elec-    tact reached 150°C. During the analyzed peri-
               trode. Results show a well-defined mechani-    od, the results obtained by the BS7910 stan-
               cal behavior where base material has a high    dard proved to be closer to the actual values
               toughness, weld region has a low toughness,    than the ASME Section XI standard.
               and HAZ shows intermediate properties. For
               the load limit analysis, the lowest critical crack   A study of the influence of solution heat treat-
               size was found for base material presenting    ment temperature on the hardness response in
               circumferential cracks. For J-integral analysis,   incoloy 945 was done. Incoloy 945 is a hybrid
               it was demonstrated that tearing instability   Ni-Fe-Cr based superalloy with a mechanical
               leading to failure would not occur.            strength and corrosion resistance comparable
                                                              to those of Inconel 718 and Incoloy 925, respec-
               A preliminary draft version of a surveillance   tively, with minimum yield strength reaching
               program for the materials presented in the nu-  860 MPa. The heat treatment at 1000°C caus-
               cleus of Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB)   es a hardness reduction around 61%, reaching
               was developed. The surveillance program is     63% at the temperature of 1020°C. The reasons
               needed to confirm and determine the effects    for the reductions are the dissolution of the
               of radiation on the mechanical properties of   gamma prime hardening phase and a slight
               the core reactor materials: its effects on the   grain growth (ASTM 7). Above this tempera-
               tensile properties (strength and ductility), frac-  ture, the hardness loss is negligible, however,
               ture toughness, radiation-induced growth and   grain growth is more pronounced reaching
               corrosion.                                     a ASTM 2 grain size in the specimens treat-
                                                              ed at 1050°C.
               The mechanical behavior of high strength alu-
               minum alloys of the 7075 series is under inves-  Aluminum alloys for
               tigation, to study the occurrence of dynamic   automotive applications
               strain aging (DSA: Portevin-Le Chatellier effect)
               on tensile specimens, submitted to different   Automobile parts made of steel/cast iron have
               heat-treatment conditions: (a) solution heat   been replaced with those made with alumi-
               treated then artificially aged, T6, (b) T6 then   num alloys to not only reduce weight, but also
               solution heat treated at 485°C for 5 hours, (c)   to reduce fuel consumption the emission of
               T6 then solution heat treated at 300°C for 5 h.   pollutants. Structural materials require not
               Preliminary results show the occurrence of     only high strength/weight ratio, besides rea-
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