Page 310 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 310

310   Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report

               Coatings and Corrosion Protection

               Hydrotalcite coatings to protect spent         ation the nature of the RE, RE oxide crystallite
               Al-clad fuels during wet storage               size, RE oxide morphology, ionic radius of the
                                                              RE and the RE oxide coating coverage. In this
               An all-room temperature process was devel-     study, the oxidation behavior of three ferrit-
               oped to coat Al alloy surfaces with hydrotal-  ic stainless steels with varying amounts of Cr
               cite (HTC). This process consists of pre-treat-  and coated with individual and mixtures of
               ment, coating with HTC and post-treatment      nanocrystalline oxides of Ce, La, Nd and Pr in
               of the Al alloys. Field tests were carried out in   air at 1000 °C was determined. The main cri-
               which dummy MTR type fuel elements con-        terion for optimization was the extent of ad-
               taining uncoated, HTC coated and HTC + Ce      dition of a trivalent RE oxide to bivalent ceri-
               coated plates were exposed for periods of up   um oxide. Figure 35 shows a mixed RE oxide
               to 2 years to the spent fuel basin of the IEA-R1   coating on AISI 409 surface. The CeO2 + 10%
               reactor.  The HTC + Ce coated plates were free   Pr2O3 mixture imparted maximum oxida-
               from any form of corrosion compared with the   tion resistance to the steel surface at 1000 °C.
               other plates, revealing marked potential for
               its use to protect spent Al-clad fuel elements
               against corrosion during extended wet stor-
               age. Figure 34 shows HTC coating on an alu-
               minum alloy surface.

                                                              Figure 35: Scanning electron micrograph of CeO2
                                                              + 10% Pr2O3 mixture on AISI 409 surface.

                                                              Localized electrochemical study of welded
                                                              Al alloy joined by friction stir welding

               Figure 34: Scanning electron micrographs of RT-HTC coatings
                                                              Friction stir welding (FSW) is an efficient way
               Nanocrystalline rare earth oxide coatings      to join high strength aluminium alloys. How-
               for increased high temperature oxidation       ever, FSW generates different microstructural
               resistance of chromia forming alloys.          areas in contact that may give rise to galvanic
                                                              couplings and affect the corrosion resistance
               Optimization of the use of different rare earth   of the assembly. In the present work, a local-
               (RE) oxides as coatings to further enhancement   ized electrochemical study of the AA7475-T651
               of the high temperature oxidation resistance   and AA2024-T3 alloys butt-joined by FSW was
               of chromium dioxide forming Fe-Cr alloys was   carried out. Much lower impedances were as-
               studied. This optimization took into consider-  sociated to the FSW affected zones compar-

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