Page 311 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 311

Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report  311

               atively to the two aluminium base metals       tively to the stir zone (nugget) or to the zones
               tested individually. Corrosion of the welded   unaffected by FSW.
               system resulted in the establishment of a gal-
               vanic coupling, clearly shown by local electro-  Corrosion resistance investigation
               chemical impedance measurements, at which      of Al-Cu-Li alloys
               the AA7475 alloy behaves anodically with re-
               spect to the AA2024 alloy. A Zn deposit was    Aluminum-copper-lithium alloys are widely
               observed on the intermetallic particles of the   used in the aircraft industry due to their ad-
               AA2024 alloy after 24 h of immersion in the    vantageous properties of low weight and high
               electrolyte resulting from the galvanic cou-   mechanical resistance. Precipitation hardening
               pling. Such a behaviour in combination with    is one of the mechanisms to increase their re-
               LEIS results allowed to describe the develop-  sistance caused by second phase particles pre-
               ment of the galvanic coupling between two      cipitates in the aluminum alloy matrix. These
               different aluminium alloys (AA2024-T3 and      particles are formed during solidification or
               AA7475-T761) butt-welded by FSW as a func-     thermomechanical treatments. Addition of Cu
               tion of time from the early stage of immersion.  and Mg leads to increased mechanical resis-
                                                              tance of Al-Li alloys in solid solution condition
               Friction stir welding effects on               and to homogeneous precipitation of coherent
               microstructure and localized                   phases, such as ο’(Al3Li) in the matrix with
               corrosion resistance of S82441                 spherical morphology, besides other phases,
               lean duplex stainless steel                    such as ο ‘(Al2Cu), S (Al2LiMg) or T1 (Al2CuLi).

                                                              It is important to note that hardening by pre-
               Friction stir welding (FSW) has been consid-   cipitation of particles with Li involves the for-
               ered an alternative to replace fusion welding   mation of metastable precipitates, which are
               processes of stainless steels. In this study, the   phase precursors, such as T1. The aim of this
               UNS S82441 lean duplex stainless steel (LDSS),   study is to investigate the localized corrosion
               a recently developed alloy, was FSWed and the   resistance of aluminum-copper-lithium alloys.
               effect of this welding process on the micro-   This study has been carried out by surface ob-
               structure and localized corrosion resistance   servation as a function of exposure to various
               of the steel was investigated by assessment    corrosion environments and by electrochem-
               of phase volumetric fraction in each zone re-  ical techniques. The microstructure of Al-Cu-
               sulting from FSW, either affected or unaffect-  Li alloys is also under evaluation.
               ed zones of the steel by X-ray diffraction (XRD),
               scanning electron microscopy, transmission     The effect of cerium in the sealing
               electron microscopy and electrochemical tests.   of anodized aluminum alloys
               The pitting resistance of each zone was inves-
               tigated by polarization tests and by determi-  Aluminum alloys for application in the aircraft
               nation of the pitting critical temperature. The   industry are highly susceptible to localized cor-
               results indicated that microstructural chang-  rosion. Consequently, it is usually protected by
               es promoted by FSW did not affect the pitting   anodizing and sealing treatments. In this study,
               resistance of the LDSS studied at room tem-    Al-Cu-Li alloys were anodized in tartaric sul-
               perature. However, the critical pitting tem-   furic acid solution, simulating the industrial
               perature at the thermomechanically affected    process adopted by the aircraft industry, and
               zones of the LDSS slightly decreased compara-  subsequently sealed, either in boiling water
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