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396   Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report

               tivates the somatotropic axis in rats. Growth   SANCHES, LEONARDO; NISHIMURA, PAULA
               hormone and IGF Research, v. 24, n. 1, p. 268-  J.; OGUIURA, NANCY; PIMENTA, DANIEL C.;
               270, 2014.                                     SCHLUTER, HARTMUT; BETZEL, CHRISTIAN;
                                                              ARNI, RAGHUVIR K.; SPENCER, PATRICK J. Pro-
               SANTOS, GEYZA S.; TSUTSUMI, SHIGETOSHI;        teomic analysis of the rare Uracoan rattle-
               VIEIRA, DANIEL P.; BARTOLINI, PAOLO; OKA-      snake Crotalus vegrandis venom: Evidence
               ZAKI, KAYO. Effect of Brazilian propolis (AF-08)   of a broad arsenal of toxins. Toxicon, v. 107,
               on genotoxicity, cytotoxicity and clonogenic   p. 234-251, 2015.
               death of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cells
               irradiated with (60)Co gamma-radiation. Mu-    VIALA, VINCENT L.; HILDEBRAND, DIANA;
               tation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Envi-  TRUSCH, MARIA; ARNI, RAGHUVIR K.; PIMEN-
               ronmental Mutagenesis, v. 762, p. 17-23, 2014.  TA, DANIEL C.; SCHLUTER, HARTMUT; BETZEL,
                                                              CHRISTIAN; SPENCER, PATRICK J. Pseudechis
               SILVA, MARCIA A. da; VALGODE, FLAVIA G.S.;     guttatus venom proteome: Insights into evo-
               GONZALEZ, JULIA A.; YORIYAZ, HELIO; GUI-       lution and toxin clustering. Journal of Pro-
               MARAES, MARIA I.C.C.; RIBELA, MARIA T.C.P.;    teomics, v. 110, p. 32-44, 2014.
               OKAZAKI, KAYO. Cytotogenic and dosimetric      VIALA, VINCENT L.; HILDEBRAND, DIANA;
               effects of (131)I in patients with differentiat-  TRUSCH, MARIA; FUCASE, TAMARA M.; SCIANI,
               ed thyroid carcinoma: comparison between       JULIANA M.; PIMENTA, DANIEL C.; ARNI, RA-
               stimulation with rhTSH and thyroid hormone     GHUVIR K.; SCHLUTER, HARTMUT; BETZEL,
               withdrawal treatments. Radiation on Envi-      CHRISTIAN; MIRTSCHIM, PETER; DUNSTAN,
               ronmental Biophysics, v. 55, p. 317-328, 2016.  NATHAN; SPENCER, PATRICK J. Venomics of
                                                              the Australian eastern brown snake (Pseud-
               ULLAH, ANWAR; MASOOD, REHANA; SPEN-            onaja textilis): Detection of new venom pro-
               CER, PATRICK J.; MURAKAMI, MARIO T.; ARNI,     teins and splicing variants. Toxicon, v. 107, p.
               RAGHUVIR K. Crystallization and preliminary    252-265, 2015.
               X-ray diffraction studies of an L-amino-acid ox-
               idase from Lachesis multa venom. Acta Crys-    ZAMBONI, C.B.; KOVACS, L.; METAIRON, S.; AZE-
               tallographica, v. 70, n. 11, p. 1556-1559, 2014.  VEDO, M.R.A.; FURHOLZ, C.F.; UCHIDA, M.C.
                                                              Blood elements concentration in cyclists in-
               VALADARES, M.C.; GOMES, J.P.; CASTELLO, G.;    vestigated by instrumental neutron activa-
               ASSONI, A.; PELLATI, M.; BUENO, C.; CORSELLI,   tion analysis. Journal of Radioanalytical and
               M.; SILVA, H.; BARTOLINI, P.; VAINZOF, M.; MAR-  Nuclear Chemistry, v. 309, n. 1, p. 45-51, 2016.
               GARIDO, P.F.; BARACAT, E.; PEAULT, B.; ZATZ, M.
               Human adipose tissue derived pericytes in-     ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; METAIRON, SABRINA; SU-
               crease life span in Utrn(tm1Ked) Dmd(mdx)/J    ZUKI, MIRIAM F.; BAHOVSCHI, VANESSA; RIZ-
               mice. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, v. 10, n.   ZUTTO, MARCIA A. Determination of iron con-
               6, p. 830-840, 2014.                           tent in whole blood in different mouse strains
                                                              using a portable XRFS spectrometer. Journal
               VIALA, VINCENT L.; HILDEBRAND, DIANA;          of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v.
               FUCASE, TAMARA M.; SCIANI, JULIANA M.;         309, n. 1, p. 333-336, 2016.

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