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Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report  401

               FUKUSHIMA, ANDRE R.; CARVALHO, VIRGIN-         5, p. 83-88, 2014.
               IA M.; CARVALHO, DEBORA G.; DIAZ, ERNES-
               HELENICE de S.; CHASIN, ALICE A.M. Purity      TY, C.E.; MALHI, Y.; DOMINGUES, L.G.; BASSO,
               and adulterant analysis of crack seizures in   L.S.; MARTINEWSKI, A.; CORREIA, C.S.C.; BORG-
               Brazil. Forensic Science International, v. 243,   ES, V.F.; FREITAS, S.; BRAZ, R.; ANDERSON, L.O.;
               p. 95-98, 2014.                                ROCHA, H.; GRACE, J.; PHILLIPS, O.L.; LLOYD, J.
                                                              Drought sensitivity of Amazonian carbon bal-
               FUNGARO, DENISE A. Synthesis of value-add-     ance revealed by atmospheric measurements.
               ed materials from coal combustion products     Nature, v. 506, n. 7486, p. 76-80, 2014.
               and biomass ash: environmental appliction.
               American Association for Science and Tech-     GUVEN, OLGUN; MONTEIRO, SERGIO N.; MOU-
               nology, v. 1, n. 2, p. 22-26, 2014.            RA, ESPERIDIANA A.B.; DRELICH, JAROSLAW W.
                                                              Re-emerging field of lignocellulosic fiber poly-
               FUNGARO, DENISE A.; BORRELY, SUELI I.; HIGA,   mer composites and ionizing radiation tech-
               MARCELA. Removal of color from industri-       nology in their formulation. Polymer Reviews,
               al effluents by adsorption using unmodified    v. 56, n. 4, p. jan/35, 2016.
               and surfactant - modified zeolite from cyclone
               ASH. Periódico Tchê Química, v. 11, n. 22, p.   ARBARA E.R.; BARROS, NAIRAM F. de; SILVA,
               7-14, 2014.                                    IVO R. da; DIOLA, VALDIR; SARKIS, JORGE E.S.;
                                                              LOUREIRO, MARCELO E. Boron delays dehydra-
               FUNGARO, DENISE A.; MAGDALENA, CARI-           tion and stimulates root growth in Eucalyptus
               NA P. Counterion effects on the adsorption     urophylla (Blake, S.T.) under osmotic stress.
               of acid orange 8 from aqueous solution onto    Plant and Soil, v. 384, n. 1-2, p. 185-199, 2014.
               HDTMA-modified nanozeolite from fly ash.
               Environment and Ecology Research, v. 2, n. 2,   IMAM, MUHAMMAD A.; JEELANI, SHAIK; RAN-
               p. 97-106, 2014.                               GARI, VIJAYA K.; GOMES, MICHELLE G.; MOURA,
                                                              ESPERIDIANA A.B. Electron-beam irradiation
               FUNGARO, DENISE A.; REIS, THAIS V. da S. Use   effect on thermal and mechanical properties
               of sugarcane straw ash for zeolite synthesis.   of nylon-6 nanocomposite fiber infused with
               International Journal of Energy and Environ-   diamond and diamond coated carbon nano-
               ment, v. 5, n. 5, p. 559-566, 2014.            tubes. International Journal of Nanoscience, v.
                                                              15, n. 01/fev, p. 1650004-1 - 1650004-12, 2016.
               FUNGARO, DENISE A.; REIS, THAIS V.S.; LOG-
               LI, MARCO A.; OLIVEIRA, NARA A. Synthesis      KHAN, L.U.; MURACA, D.; BRITO, H.F.; MOSCO-
               and characterization of zeolitic material de-  SO LONDONO, O.; FELINTO, M.C.F.C.; PIROTA,
               rived from sugarcane straw Ash. American       K.R.; TEOTONIO, E.E.S.; MALTA, O.L. Optical and
               Journal of Environmental Protection, v. 2, n.   magnetic nanocomposites containing Fe(3)
               1, p. 16-21, 2014.                             O(4)@SiO(2) grafted with Eu(3+) and Tb(3+)
                                                              complexes. Journal of Alloys and |Compounds,
               FUNGARO, DENISE A.; SILVA, MAURO V. da. Uti-   v. 686, p. 453-466, 2016.
               lization of water treatment plant sludge and
               coal Fly ash in brick manufacturing. American   KHAN, LATIF U.; BRITO, HERMI F.; HOLSA, JOR-
               Journal of Environmental Protection, v. 2, n.   MA; PIROTA, KLEBER R.; MURACA, DIEGO; FE-
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