Page 399 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report  399

               I.D.A.O.; OLIVEIRA, A.F.; SHIE, J.N.; SARKIS, J.E.S.;   GMA/TEGDMA based experimental resin. Ra-
               OLIVEIRA, T. Ascertaining serum levels of trace   diation Physics and Chemistry, v. 115, p. 30-
               elements in melanoma patients using PIXE and   35, 2015.
               HR-ICPMS. Nuclear Instruments and Methods
               in Physics Research, B, v. 318, p. 178-181, 2014.  CAMPOS, L.M.P.; PARRA, D.F.; VASCONCELOS,
                                                              M.R.; VAZ, M.; MONTEIRO, J. DH and ESPI laser
               BERTOLINI, THARCILA C.R.; ALCANTARA, RA-       interferometry applied to the restoration. Ra-
               QUEL R.; IZIDORO, JULIANA de C.; FUNGARO,      diation Physics and Chemistry, v. 94, p. 190-
               DENISE A. Adsorption of acid orange 8 dye from   193, 2014.
               aqueous solution onto unmodified and mod-
               ified zeolites. Orbital: The Electronic Journal   CAMPOS, LUIZA M. de P.; BOARO, LETICIA C.;
               of Chemistry, v. 7, n. 34, p. 1-11, 2015.      FERREIRA, HENRIQUE P.; SANTOS, LETICIA K.G.
                                                              dos; SANTOS, TAMIRIS R. dos; PARRA, DUCLE-
               BERTOLINI, THARCILA C.R.; IZIDORO, JULIANA     RC F. Evaluation of polymerization shrinkage
               de C.; ALCANTARA, RAQUEL R.; GROSCHE, LU-      in dental restorative experimental composites
               CAS C.; FUNGARO, DENISE A. Surfactant-mod-     based: BisGMA/TEGDMA, filled with MMT.
               ified zeolites from coal fly and bottom Ash-   Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 133, n.
               es as adsorbents for removal of crystal violet   24, p. 43543-1 - 43543-10, 2016.
               from aqueous solution. Acta Velit, v. 1, n. 4, p.
               78-94, 2015.                                   CAMPOS, LUIZA M. de P.; LUGAO, ADEMAR
                                                              B.; VASCONCELOS, MARIO R.; PARRA, DUCLE-
               BONTURIM, EVERTON; MAZZOCCHI, VERA L.;         RC F. Polymerization shrinkage evaluation on
               PARENTE, CARLOS B.R.; MESTNIK FILHO, JOSE;     nanoscale-layered silicates: Bis-GMA/TEGMA
               LIMA, NELSON B. de; SEO, EMILIA S.M. Oxy-      nanocomposites, in photo-activated polymeric
               gen stoichiometry of Ba(0.50)Sr(0.50)Co(0.80)  matrices. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,
               Fe(0.20)O(3-’delta’) obtained by EDTA-citrate   v. 131, n. 6, p. 40010-1 - 40010-6, 2014.
               method and measured by X-ray and neutron
               diffraction. Journal of Radioanalytical and    CAMPOS, LUIZA M.P.; BOARO, LETICIA C.; SAN-
               Nuclear Chemistry, v. 306, p. 769-773, 2015.   TOS, TAMIRIS M.R.; MARQUES, PAMELA A.;
                                                              ALMEIDA, SONIA R.Y.; BRAGA, ROBERTO R.; PAR-
               BORDON, ISABELLA C.A.C.; SARKIS, JORGE E.S.;   RA, DUCLERC F. Evaluation of flexural modulus,
               ANDRADE, NATHALIA P.; HORTELLANI, MAR-         flexural strength and degree of conversion in
               COS A.; FAVARO, DEBORAH I.T.; KAKAZU, MAU-     BISGMA/TEGDMA resin filled with montmo-
               RICIO H.; COTRIM, MARYCEL E.B.; LAVRADAS,      rillonite nanoparticles. Journal of Composite
               RAQUEL T.; MOREIRA, ISABEL; SAINT’PIERRE,      Materials, v. 29, p. 1-11, 2016.
               TATIANA D.; HAUSER-DAVIS, RACHEL A. An en-
               vironmental forensic approach for tropical es-  CARDOSO, ELISABETH C.L.; SCAGLIUSI, SAN-
               tuaries base on metal bioaccumulation in tis-  DRA R.; LIMA, LUIS F.C.P.; BUENO, NELSON R.;
               sues of Callinectes danae. Ecotoxicology, v. 25,   BRANT, ANTONIO J.C.; PARRA, DUCLERC F.;
               p. 91-104, 2016.                               LUGAO, ADEMAR B. Biodegradability of PP/
                                                              HMSPP and natural and synthetic polymers
               CAMPOS, L.M.P.; BOARO, L.C.; SANTOS, L.K.G.;   blends in function of gamma irradiation deg-
               PARRA, D.F.; LUGAO, A.B. Influence of ionizing   radation. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, v.
               radiation on the mechanical properties of Bis-  94, p. 249-252, 2014.
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