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420 Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report
nitrided AISI 316L samples, using syncchro- CASINI, JULIO C.S.; GUO, ZAIPING; LIU, HUA K.;
tron radiation diffraction. Materials Research, FERREIRA, ELINER A.; FARIA, RUBENS N.; TAKI-
v. 17, n. 5, p. 1302-1308, 2014. ISHI, HIDETOSHI. Effect of Sn substitution for
Co on microstructure and electrochemical per-
CARVALHO, C.N.; MARTINELLI, J.R.; BAUER, J.; formance of AB(5) type La(0.7)Mg(0.3)Mn(0.4)
HAAPASALO, M.; SHEN, Y.; BRADASCHIA COR- Co(0.5)-(x)Sn(3.8)(x=0-0.5) alloys. Transactions
REA, V.; MANSO, A.P.; GAVINI, G. Micropush-out of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, v. 25,
dentine bond strength of a new Gutta-Percha n. 2, p. 520-526, 2015.
and niobium phosphate glass composite. In-
ternational Endodontic Journal, v. 48, p. 451- CASINI, JULIO C.S.; SILVA, FRANKS M.; GUO, ZAI-
SHI, HIDETOSHI. Effects of substituting Cu for
CARVALHO, CECI N.; FREIRE, LAILA G.; CARVAL- Sn on the microstructure and hydrogen ab-
HO, ALEXANDRE P.L. de; SIQUEIRA, EVANDRO sorption properties of Co-free AB5 alloys. In-
L.; BAUER, JOSE; GRITTI, GIOVANA C.; SOUZA, ternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v.
JULIANA P. de; GAVINI, GIULIO. The influence 41, p. 17022-17028, 2016.
of dentine on the pH of calcium hydroxide
chlorhexidine gel, and experimental bioac- CIONE, FRANCISCO C.; SOUZA, ARMANDO;
tive glass-based root canal medicament. Sci- MARTINEZ, LUIZ; ROSSI, JESUALDO; BETINI,
entific World Journal, v. 2015, p. 686259-1 - EVANDRO G.; ROLA, FABIO; COLOSIO, MARCO
686259-5, 2015. A. Measurements of residual stresses in alu-
minum wheels using the techniques of XRD,
CARVALHO, EDILAUSSON M.; LIMA, DARLON strain gages and FEA simulation - a compari-
M.; CARVALHO, CECI N.; LOGUERCIO, ALES- son. SAE International Journal of Materials
SANDRO D.; MARTINELLI, JOSE R. Effect of air- and Manufacturing, v. 9, n. 3, p. 685-687, 2016.
bone-particle abrasion on dentin with experi-
mental niobophosphate bioactive glass on the CONCEICAO, LEANDRO da; DESSEMOND, LAU-
microtensile bond strength of resin cements. RENT; DJURADO, ELISABETH; MUCCILLO, E.N.S.
Journal of Prosthodontic Research, v. 59, p. La(0.7)Sr(0.3)MnO(3-’delta’) barrier for Cr(2)
129-135, 2015. O(3)-forming SOFC interconnect alloy coated
by electrostatic spray deposition. Surface and
CARVALHO, SABRINA G.M.; MUCCILLO, R. Coatings Technology, v. 254, p. 157-166, 2014.
Preparation porous zirconia-yttria ceramics
by thermal removal of potassium iodide. Ma- CONCEICAO, LEANDRO da; DJURADO, ELIS-
terials Science Forum, v. 798-799, p. 391-395, ABETH; DESSEMOND, LAURENT; MUCCILLO,
2014. E.N.S. Fabrication of Mn(1.5)Co(1.5)O(4) by elec-
trostatic spray deposition for application as
CASINI, JULIO C.S.; GUO, ZAIPING; LIU, HUA protective coating on alloy interconnects for
K.; FARIA, RUBENS N.; TAKIISHI, HIDETOSHI. solid oxide fuel cells. ECS Transactions, v. 68,
Effects of Cu substitution for Sn on the elec- n. 1, p. 1609-1616, 2015.
trochemical performance of La(0.7)Mg(0.3)
Mn(0.4)Sn(0.5-x)Cu(x)Ni(3.8)(x=0-05) alloys for CORDEIRO, GUILHERME L.; YOSHITO, WALTER
Ni-MH batteries. Batteries, v. 1, p. 03-10, 2015. K.; USSUI, VALTER; LIMA, NELSON B. de; LAZAR,
DOLORES R.R. Effect of solvothermal treatment
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares