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Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report  421

               on physical properties of nickel and alumin-   FALCAO, RAILSON B.; DAMMANN, EDGAR
               ium based oxide powders synthesized by co-     D.C.C.; ROCHA, CLAUDIO J. da; ICHIKAWA, RO-
               precipitation. Materials Science Forum, v. 820,   DRIGO U.; DURAZZO, MICHELANGELO; MARTI-
               p. 73-78, 2015.                                NEZ, LUIS G.; LEAL NETO, RICARDO M. Synthe-
                                                              sis of TiFe compound from ball milled TiH(2)
               COSTENARO, HELLEN; QUEIROZ, FERNANDA           and Fe powders mixtures. Materials Science
               M.; TERADA, MAYSA; MARIE-GEORGES, OL-          Forum, v. 802, p. 61-65, 2014.
               IVIER; COSTA, ISOLDA; MELO, HERCILIO G. de.
               Corrosion protection of AA2524-T3 anodized     FANTON, LEONARDO; LIMA, NELSON B. de; HA-
               in tartaric-sulfuric acid bath and protected   YAMA, ALEXANDRA de O.F.; CARAM, RUBENS;
               with hybrid sol-gel coating. Key Engineering   FOGAGNOLO, JOAO B. Texture development in
               Materials, v. 710, p. 210-215, 2016.           cold deformed and recrystallized Ti–30Nb–4Sn
                                                              alloy and its effects on hardness and young’s
               CULCASI, JOSE D.; ELSNER, CECILIA I.; SARLI,   modulus. Advanced Engineering Materials,
               ALEJANDRO R. di; PALOMINO, LUIS; TOMA-         p. 1-6, 2016.
               CHUK, CELIA R.; COSTA, ISOLDA. Effect of ox-
               idizing concentration on the corrosion resis-  FERNANDES, STELA M. de C.; CORREA, OLANDIR
               tance of the cerium conversion coating on      V.; SOUZA, JOSE A.B. de; ANTUNES, RENATO A.;
               galvanized steel. Indian Journal Chemical      LIMA, NELSON B. de; RAMANATHAN, LALGUDI
               Technology, v. 9, n. 3, p. 95-94, 2014.        V. Effect of processing on microstructure and
                                                              corrosion mitigating properties of hydrotal-
               CUNHA, CECILIO A.; CORREA, OLANDIR V.;         cite coatings on AA 6061 alloy. Materials Re-
               SAYEG, ISSAC J.; LIMA, NELSON B.; RAMANA-      search, v. 18, n. 6, p. 1203-1208, 2015.
               THAN, LALGUDI V. Structural and thermo-
               dynamic  properties  of  nanocrystalline       FERREIRA JUNIOR, J.M.; ROSSI, J.L.; BAKER, M.A.;
               Cr3C2-25(Ni20Cr) composite powders pro-        HINDER, S.J.; COSTA, I. Deposition and charac-
               duced by high-energy ball milling. Journal of   terization of a new mixed organic/inorganic
               Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, v. 126, n.   cerium containing coating for the corrosion
               3, p. 1447-1453, 2016.                         protection of eletrogalvanized steel. Interna-
                                                              tional Journal of Electrochemical Science, v.
               DUVAIZEM, J.H.; MENDES, N.M.F.; CASINI, J.C.S.;   9, n. 4, p. 1827-1839, 2014.
               BRESSIANI, A.H.; TAKIISHI, H. Effect of heat
               treatment on microstructure and mechanical     FERREIRA JUNIOR, J.M.; SOUZA, K.P.; QUEIROZ,
               properties of Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy produced by   F.M.; COSTA, I.; TOMACHUK, C.R. Electrochem-
               powder metallurgy. Materials Science Forum,    ical and chemical characterization of electro-
               v. 802, p. 457-461, 2014.                      deposited zinc surface exposed to new surface
                                                              tratments. Surface and Coatings Technology,
               ESPOSITO, VINCENZO; DE, WEI N.; MARANI,        v. 294, p. 36-46, 2016.
               FABIO C. Accelerated ceria zirconia solubiliza-  J.L.; COSTA, I.; TRINDADE, G.F.; TAMACHUK,
               tion by cationic diffusion inversion at low ox-  C.R. Corrosion protection of electrogalvanized
               ygen activity. Journal of Materials Chemistry   steel by surface treatments containing ceri-
               A, v. 4, n. 43, p. 16871-16878, 2016.          um and niobium compounds. International
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