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Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report  423

               od. Ceramics International, v. 40, n. 1, p. 911-  HINDER, S.J.; GRILLI, R.; RUSTAME, M.; SANTOS,
               917, 2014.                                     W.I.A.; BAKER, M.A.; COSTA, I. A surface analyt-
                                                              ical investigation of cerium-based conversion
               GROSSO, R.L.; MATOS, J.R.; MUCCILLO, E.N.S.    coatings deposited onto an AA2024-T3 alumin-
               Thermal and spectroscopic characterization     ium alloy cladding layer. Surface and Interface
               of nanostructured zirconia-scandia-dyspro-     Analysis, v. 46, n. 10/nov, p. 735-739, 2014.
               sia. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calo-
               rimetry, v. 117, n. 2, p. 567-572, 2014.       IGAMI, MERY P.Z.; BRESSIANI, JOSE C.; MUG-
                                                              NAINI, ROGERIO. A new model to identify the
               GROSSO, R.L.; MUCCILLO, E.N.S. Ionic conduc-   productivity of theses in terms of articles us-
               tivity of zirconia-scandia-dysprosia solid elec-  ing co-word analysis. Journal of Scientomet-
               trolyte. ECS Transactions, v. 61, n. 1, p. 341-  ric Research, v. 3, n. 1, p. 03-14, 2014.
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                                                              JESUS, R.A.; RABELO, A.S.; FIGUEIREDO, R.T.; CI-
               Stabilization  of  the  cubic  phase  in  zirco-  M.C.A.; ARAUJO, G.L.B.; ARAUJO, A.A.S; MES-
               nia-scandia by niobium oxidfe addition. Ma-    QUITA, M.E. Synthesis and application of the
               terials Letters, v. 134, p. 27-29, 2014.       MCM-41 and SBA-15 as matrices for in vitro
                                                              efavirenz release study. Journal of Drug De-
               GROSSO, R.L.; TERTULIANO, A.J.; MACHADO,       livery Science and Technology, v. 31, p. 153-
               I.F.; MUCCILLO, E.N.S. Structural and electri-  159, 2016.
               cal properties of spark plasma sintered scan-
               dia-and dysprosia-stabilized zirconia. Solid   KAI, KAREN C.; MACHADO, CARLOS A.V.A.;
               State Ionics, v. 288, p. 94-97, 2016.          GENOVA, LUIS A.; MARCHI, JULIANA. Influ-
                                                              ence of Zn and Mg doping on the sintering be-
               GUEDES SILVA, CECILIA C.; CARVALHO, FLAVIO     havior and phase transformation of tricalcium
               M. de S.; FERREIRA, THIAGO dos S.; GENOVA,     phosphate based ceramics. Materials Science
               LUIS A. Formation of aluminium titanate with   Forum, v. 805, p. 706-711, 2015.
               small additions of MgO and SiO(2). Materials
               Research, v. 19, n. 2, p. 384-388, 2016.       LEAL NETO, R.M.; ROCHA, C.J.; URANO de CAR-
                                                              VALHO, E.; RIELLA, H.G.; DURAZZO, M. Investi-
               GUEDES-SILVA, CECILIA C.; FERREIRA, THIA-      gation of powdering ductile gamma U-10 Mo
               GO dos S.; CARVALHO, FLAVIO, M.S.; PAULA,      alloy for dispersion fuels. Journal of Nucle-
               CAROLINA M. de; OTUBO, LARISSA. Influence      ar Materials, v. 445, n. 1-3, p. 218-223, 2014.
               of alumina phases on the molybdenum ad-
               sorption capacity and chemical stability for   LIMA, SERGIO C.N. de; SOARES, EDSON P.; AN-
               99Mo/99mTc generators columns. Materials       DREOLI, MARCO; CHIBA, RUBENS; SEO, EMIL-
               Research, v. 19, n. 4, p. 791-794, 2016.       IA S.M. Characterization of metallic zirconi-
                                                              um sponge. Materials Science Forum, v. 805,
               GUIMARAES, CARLA da C.; MORALLES, MAU-         p. 700-705, 2015.
               RICIO; MARTINELLI, JOSE R. Monte Carlo sim-
               ulation of liver cancer treatment with (166)   LIRA, HERONILTON M. de; FERREIRA, RICAR-
               Ho-loaded glass microspheres. Radiation Phys-  DO A.S.; NEVES, MAURICIO D.M. das; SAN-
               ics and Chemistry, v. 95, p. 185-187, 2014.    TOS, MAURILIO J. dos; URTIGA FILHO, SEVERI-
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