Page 319 - Manual Of SOP
P. 319
Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations
(ii) Whether there is a sufficiently freely disposable, or an imminent, substantial
increase in, the capacity of the exporting producer(s), indicating the
likelihood of substantially increased dumped exports to the domestic market,
taking into account the availability of other export markets to absorb any
additional exports;
(iii) Whether imports are entering at prices that will have a significant depressing
or suppressing effect on the DI prices, and whether it would likely increase
demand for further imports; and
(iv) Whether inventories of the product being investigated available with foreign
supplier suggests that imports could increase in the future.
11.7.44. The presence of one factor alone may not be conclusive evidence of
the threat of material injury. For example,even if there is a substantial increase in
capacity in exporting country, this does not conclusively mean a threat to Indian
industry,as enhanced capacity may be for their own domestic/captive consumption
in value-added products, or the exporter may be targeting some other country,
where realizations are high.
Source of Various Information
11.7.45. The information related to various injury parameters is available in Format
H along with other relevant Formats. The source of extracting and analyzing in
formation on these injury parameters is tabulated below:
S N Parameter Source of information-document/physical verification
1. Production Cost Audit Report/ SAP/ Audited Financial Records / reporting to
banks and other government organizations/ Excise records
2. Installed Capac- Cost Audit Report/ SAP/Audited Financial Records / reporting to
ity/ Capacity banks, other government agencies like Pollution Control Board/
Utilization, Excise Records
3. Sales Cost Audit Report/ SAP/ Audited Financial Records / reporting to
banks/ GST records
4. Market Share Calculated from DI sales vs. total demand
5. Inventories Cost Audit Report/ SAP/ Audited Financial Records / reporting
to banks
6. Profits Cost Audit Report/ SAP/ Audited Financial Records / reporting
to banks
7. Return on Invest- Cost Audit Report/ SAP/ Audited Financial Records / reporting
ments to banks