Page 39 - Report on the infringement of rights and guarantees of attorneys in Ukraine
P. 39

When disclosing the case file, the prosecution does not provide real access to
              material evidence  for the process participants. It sometimes happens  that
              prosecutors refuse to accept materials  that  are disclosed to parties  by an
              attorney  .  The prosecutor's office,  referring  to  certain  evidence, impedes the
              requirements of attorneys to present it, to enable the defence and the court to
              fully familiarise themselves with it. This also includes familiarisation with video
              materials in court (parts of interviews, speeches, etc.), when the defence has
              observations regarding full familiarisation for establishing the context of what is
              taking place on video, and a comprehensive study of the case file .
              According to the Convention, such cases have already been assessed in ECHR
              judgments. In a number of cases (Welke and Bialek v. Poland, Jasper v. The
              United Kingdom and A. and Others v. The United Kingdom) the ECHR held that
              prosecution authorities should disclose to the defence all material evidence in
              their possession for or against the accused. Failure to provide such materials is a
              violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention (right to a fair trial).

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