Page 44 - Report on the infringement of rights and guarantees of attorneys in Ukraine
P. 44

                                       TO OVERCOME

                                       NEGATIVE TRENDS



                          Holding of awareness-building events (workshops, round tables, training sessions, etc.)
                          for  the  legal community  and government  agencies: prosecutors,  including the
                          Prosecutor-General's  Office of  Ukraine  and  its subdivisions, the  Ministry of  Internal
                          Affairs, courts,  the  Security Service of  Ukraine,  bodies of  the  State  Fiscal Service,
                          specialised bodies such as the NABU, etc.
                          Creating an atmosphere for a person committing gross violations of attorneys’ rights
                          and other  offences,  which will  make him understand that his employer-institution
                          cannot conceal his actions as contradicting the image of a civil servant.
                          Strengthening  and intensifying cooperation  between institutions and organisations
                          that support the profession of attorney , becoming a common political and public
                          counterbalance to state authorities that tolerate the illegal treatment of attorneys by
                          their employees.
                          Systematic holding of joint events (conferences, round tables) and regular meetings
                          with the  participation of  attorneys,  prosecutors,  representatives  of  the  Ministry of
                          Internal Affairs and judicial authorities to establish interaction, dispel the stereotype of
                          victory by representatives of the law-enforcement  agencies in confrontations  with
                          attorneys, which are perceived as the ultimate opponents, and instead make joint
                          efforts to establish the truth in a case.


            The expert potential of the legal community  enables it to be involved, together with civil society
            institutions and political forces, in the improvement of the legislative framework regarding a wide
            range of issues of legal regulation of social relations, in particular, the protection of the professional
            rights and guarantees of attorneys:

                      The Law of Ukraine "On Free Legal Aid"

                      on the minimisation of the risks of using appointed attorneys for imitation of a fair trial may
                      become one of the areas of such activity;

                      Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Bar and Practice of Law"
                      in order to determine that a search of the attorney’s premises is only acceptable when an
                      attorney himself/herself is a suspect in a case; on the possibility of using attorney’s licence to
                      practice law as an ID; making changes to the impossibility of questioning an attorney as a
                      witness in cases in which the attorney is a defence counsel, except in cases where the attorney
                      himself/herself is actually suspected of committing an offence;

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