Page 49 - Report on the infringement of rights and guarantees of attorneys in Ukraine
P. 49
to inquire into any substantial To receive information related to:
allegations transmitted to him or her, – individual cases,
and to report his or her conclusions
and recommendations about them; – certain groups or associations,
to identify and record not only attacks general trends,
on the independence of the judiciary, – systematic human rights
lawyers and court officials but also violations committed in a certain
progress achieved in protecting and country,
enhancing their independence, and – the content of a draft law or
to make concrete recommendations, an already effective law, which does
including the provision of advisory not meet international standards on
services or technical assistance when human rights;
they are requested by the State in
question; to act on information submitted to
his/her attention regarding alleged
to identify ways and means to violations relating to the
improve the judicial system, and make independence and impartiality of the
concrete recommendations about judiciary and the independence of
them; the legal profession;
to study, for the purpose of making to send allegation letters and urgent
proposals, important and topical appeals to concerned Governments,
questions of principle with a view to to be subsequently in the next
protecting and enhancing the communication report of special
independence of the judiciary and procedures following the
lawyers and court officials; communications sent;
to continue to cooperate closely, to take preventive measures or
while avoiding duplication, with organise investigations, if necessary;
relevant United Nations bodies,
mandates and mechanisms and with to conduct country visits upon the
regional organisations; invitation of the relevant Government
with subsequent submission of a report
to report regularly to the Council in on the visit to the Human Rights
accordance with its programme of Council, presenting his/her findings,
work, and annually to the General conclusions and recommendations;
to present annual thematic reports to
the Human Rights Council (June
session) and the General Assembly
highlighting important issues or areas
of concern related to the mandate.