Page 3 - The Environmentalist
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o our clients and friends, The En-
vironmentalist family welcomes
Tyou to this 6th edition of our
I wish to extend our sincere thanks
to you for your cooperation and
partnership during the year. We
thank the national government,
non-governmental organizations,
the 47 county governments, the
religious institutions and individual Mutua Patrick Nzoka, OGW
Kenyans of all walks of life for
chivalrously supporting us in our
Man has time to turn the tables and
environmental management ac- “experience God’s favor.
complishments. Indeed, together, The mood at the Garden of Eden,
we made 2018 such a successful reflected in Genesis 3:8-24 reflects
man as unable to responsibly exercise
year. dominion on creation”
Customarily, the festive season
comes with immense blessings. Rains When he loved Jesus, he
set in. All Kenyans become happier crucified Him. I think man loves
and more generous. Accordingly, the environment!
man needs more fuel, more water, During this festive season, do not
more charcoal, and more firewood. entertain talk about irresponsible
Paradoxically, in the long run, rain love. If you love flowers and trees,
turn to floods, gifts turn to plastic grow them. If you like to join me
and other waste, excitement turn in activism, do not say the river is
to noise pollution, food produce dirty, clean it. Do not talk about
heavy waste burden. Places plastic bags, pick them. Do not
of worship turn to dens of devil join noisemakers, stop them.
worship. Man has time to turn the Everything happening on earth
tables and experience God’s favor. is your business. Develop the
The mood at the Garden of Eden, tradition of writing about these
reflected in Genesis 3:8-24 reflects small acts that affect or are likely
man as unable to responsibly exercise to disturb the environment. You
dominion on creation. Since, if he may share your apprehensions
loves flowers, he plucks them. If he with me and with the regulators,
loves trees, he cuts them down. particularly NEMA.
The Environmentalist dec 2