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Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) is not only has the responsibilities for
a legal requirement, it is also critical to the long-term enforcing OHS legislation
success of any business. It can: (acts and regulations).
At GKC, we have qualified
• Help to retain staff OHS Experts who are
• Maximize employee productivity capable of carrying out
• Minimize injury and illness in the workplace OHS assessments as well
• Reduce the costs of injury and workers’ as helping companies
compensation develop effective OHS
• Ensure that the company meets its legal Policies that are meant
obligations and employee responsibilities. to ensure safety at the
To achieve this, every workplace must develop Contact us today and we
Health and safety programs, which are an will partner with you to
important part of preventing injury and illness in the ensure your safety and that
workplace. Health programs help employers and of your employees.
employees understand the potential hazards they
are exposed to on a daily basis. Effective health
and safety programs involve workers in developing
OH&S policies and procedures.
In Kenya, the Directorate of Occupational Safety
and Health Services (DOSHS).
The Environmentalist dec 4