Page 171 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 171


  :fi                             (TIED  IN  A  BIGHT)
  :£:    ••••••••••••••• .: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ., •••••••••••••
  !::    u    se  this  version  of the  clove  hitch  when  the  rope is not under strain. It's  then possible  to
  :C          drop it over a bollard or to slip  it on to  the  end of a rail. With practice, it should be
         possible  to tie  this  knot with just one hand - very useful  in rough weather, when you  have  to
         tie  up  to  a bollard while  holding onto  a guard  rail!

            Make  an  overhand loop  in
          I  the  line.

                                                                Add an  underhand  loop
                                                             2 further along  the  line.

            Arrange  the  loops so  that
         3  they are  of equal  size  and
         close  together.
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