Page 187 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 187


   c                       SHEET  BEND
             ragging a sheet bend over, or through, any obstruction, like  a rocky crevice, can lead  to
         D the knot sticking. The one-way sheet bend produces a n10re  streamlined knot, but do
         remember that the short ends should point away from the  direction in which the knot is
         being pulled.

            Make a bight in  the end of
          I one of the  ropes  to  be tied.

                 Take  the second rope and
              2 tuck its  end up  through the
              bight in  the  first  rope.

            Pass  the  working end of the
         3  second rope  under the
         bight in the first.
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