Page 195 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 195


                       FLEMISH  BEND

   Ill            (ALSO  KNOWN  AS  FIGURE-OF-EIGHT  BEND)
   a:i       simple knot to  tie, this  is  also  one of the strongest bends  that you can tie  in both rope
         A and string. Mariners, however, aren't that keen on this knot, because it jams in natural
         cordage. It suits  synthetic ropes pe1fectly  though, and is  therefore well-liked by climbers.

                                      Make a loop in  one end of
                                    I  a length of rope so  that the
                                   working end lies  on  top of the
                                   standing part.

                                                                Hold the loop and give  it a
                                                             2 half-twist.

                                                                Tuck the working end
                                                             3 through the loop above
                                                             the twist, making a figure-of-
                                                             eight outline.
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