Page 13 - looplibraryfullbook13092018
P. 13
There are so many different techniques for percussive playing, and coupled with that the
end result will sound different depending on what electronics are in the guitar, what
woods are used in its construction, the shape of your guitar, even your hands! - The sounds
you can get are virtually limitless. I'd urge you to do an internet search to introduce you to
some highly accomplished inspiring players who have truly made this playing style into an
So now we have discussed the different types of electro-acoustic guitars, established what
type of guitar you have, and looked at the percussive techniques we can use - let's put
them into practice here.
This notation is written with all players in mind who want an introduction to percussive
acoustic guitar, who aren't necessarily familiar with musical notation, laid out in a simple
and accessible format.
We'll start off simple with our first looped beat. Whether you're using the piezo or mic'd
method covered in the two previous pages, the notation is the same for both guitars. in
this instance we'll be using 1, 2 and 3 on the notation - where 1=kick, 2=tom and 3=snare.
So let's apply this to 'Shape of You'
First off, we will be building this up slowly - adding a kick effect or '1' on the 1st, 3rd, 5th and
7th beat of the loop. Alongside your bassline (the E and A string) as a guide, it will look like
this in our notation.
Play along with it, using the loop we already have stored - hitting the 'kick' as shown below,
but don't record yet. Get comfortable with it first.
kick ¦---1-----------¦--1-----------¦--1-------------¦--1-----------¦
a ¦--4---4---4--¦--------------¦--0---0---0--¦--2---2---2--¦
e ¦--------------¦--2---2---2--¦---------------¦--------------¦ fig 1.
Ok, now you've had a few run-throughs, let's record your bassline. Remember the 'run up'
we covered in the beginning, take as long as you need and hit rec when ready.
kick ¦---1-----------¦--1-----------¦--1-------------¦--1-----------¦
a ¦--4---4---4--¦--------------¦--0---0---0--¦--2---2---2--¦
e ¦--------------¦--2---2---2--¦---------------¦--------------¦