Page 9 - looplibraryfullbook13092018
P. 9
Now we are onto our second RECO STOP [ ]
and final overdub; the second e ¦-------0------¦-------0-----¦------0-------¦--------------¦
or high melody. b ¦--2-------2--¦--2-------2--¦--2--------2--¦--4---2---0--¦
g ¦--------------¦--------------¦--------------¦---------------¦
d ¦--------------¦--------------¦--------------¦---------------¦
a ¦--------------¦--------------¦--------------¦---------------¦
e ¦--------------¦--------------¦--------------¦---------------¦
Ok, now you have your loop for Shape of You from the first exercise. Your
recording should now have a bass line and two overdubs on top comprising of
two guitars playing in harmony, so three in total. Keep this saved, we'll be
using this later.
You'll notice that even though you have the same guitar playing each note, and
the notes come in at the same time as each other, you can distinctly identify
each of the three guitar parts as low, medium and high as shown in the tab
below. This is because we've assigned each part in its own 'register' - they are
far apart enough on the note scale to allow each guitar plenty of space to be
clearly heard and individually identified.
e ¦-------0------¦-------0-----¦------0-------¦--------------¦ HIGH O/DUB
b ¦--2-------2--¦--2-------2--¦--2--------2--¦--4---2---0--¦ THREE
g ¦------1-------¦-------1-------¦-------1-------¦---------------¦ MID O/DUB
d ¦--2-------2--¦--2-------2--¦--2--------2--¦--4---2---1--¦ TWO
a ¦--4---4---4--¦-------------¦--0---0---0--¦--2---2---2--¦ LOW TRACK
e ¦--------------¦--2---2---2--¦--------------¦--------------¦ ONE
We can clearly see that each part has been played on two strings each. So the
bass or 'low' stays on the E and A string, the middle on the D and G string, and
finally the high on the B and E string. This is a good clear-cut example of each
part being assigned its own register. Some of the other songs in this book are
a little more complex than this, so some parts will be played on more
thantwo strings, mainly to make it easier to play.
Now we are going to move on to percussion