Page 34 - looplibraryfullbook13092018
P. 34
by Chris Isaak
Key B minor Tempo 115BPM
This song is split into 4 loops - percussion, bass and rhythm guitars one and two. Over
the top of this we'll play the solo guitar that comes in on the intro and chorus with the
looper in safe mode. This is a slow song in 4/4 comprising of just 4 bars in the loop.
Before we begin recording, let's look at the solo guitar for the intro and chorus - split into
to parts.
Intro solo
In the original recording this part is played on an electric guitar, using a tremolo or 'whammy bar' to achieve
the bending up effect. This is more difficult to play on an acoustic because the bridge is fixed, so the 1/2
tone bend has to be done with the fretting hand on heavier strings. If it's too difficult to get the note
sounding right then skip the bend and just fret the note you'd be bending up to.
Next part we'll look at is the riff we hear on the Intro before the vocals and at the end
of the chorus. Make sure you let the notes ring out for the best effect.
Chorus solo
These parts, while they are the instantly recognisable part of the song, can still be left in
or out depending on preference or ability.
Like we did in Jimi Hendrix's 'Hey Joe', you might want to pre-record your loop so you
can play the solos over the top.