Page 12 - 17 Cotton SA March 2019
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              SCC contributes

              to cotton production

                                         by Tanya Aucamp, Cotton Cluster

                    t has been almost five years since   the Southern African Sustainable Textile and
                    Cotton SA and representatives from   Apparel Cluster (SASTAC), supported by an
                    the cotton value chain and government   original R200-million grant fund. Its aim was
                    launched the Sustainable Cotton Cluster   to improve capacity and competitiveness and
              I (SCC), an initiative to increase capacity   to create jobs in the cotton, textile and apparel
              and competitiveness in South Africa’s textile   industry value chains. Through this initiative, the
              and apparel industries. According to Hennie   cotton industry formed the SCC in May 2014 to
              Bruwer, CEO of Cotton SA, production has   serve the cotton-specific interventions. The
              increased more than eightfold from 26 000   SCC brings together the entire cotton supply
              bales in 2013 to about 190 000 bales for the   chain under one umbrella: farmers, ginneries,
              past season, and 32% of these lint bales were   yarn manufacturers, weavers and knitters,
              Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) cotton.     dyers, finishing plants, retailers and consumers.
                 BCI is the largest cotton sustainability   South African retailers Mr Price Group and
              standard in the world. It exists to make global   Edcon Group have created 22 integrated
              cotton production better for the people who   supply chains through this initiative, on items
              produce it, better for the environment it grows   made with sustainable cotton sourced from
              in and better for the sector’s future. BCI aims   South Africa. These include product lines
              to transform cotton production worldwide   like T-shirts, chinos, towels and underwear.
              by developing better cotton as a sustainable   Other retailers who have also been part of
              mainstream commodity.                      the journey are Woolworths and Ackermans.
                 On 1 April 2014, the Department of Trade   Woolworths Holdings is the first South African
              and Industry (the dti) launched a five-year   retailer to become a member of the BCI
              plan to establish a national textile cluster,   programme and has committed to sourcing

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