Page 13 - 17 Cotton SA March 2019
P. 13


                                                                           BCI aims to
                                                                     transform cotton
                                                                  production worldwide

                                                                       by developing
                                                                     better cotton as a
                                                                 sustainable mainstream

              100% of its cotton as “more sustainable    machines, mostly the latest technology, which
              cotton” by 2020.                           consolidates picking and baling. Since the
                 BCI aims to transform cotton production   demonstration of the first new harvesting
              worldwide by developing Better Cotton as   technology in 2015, 11 cotton strippers and
              a sustainable mainstream commodity. BCI    24 cotton pickers have been imported by
              uses a chain of custody models called Mass   participating farmers. These top-of-the-range
              Balance whereby volumes of Better Cotton are   cotton pickers cost between R9 million and
              tracked on an online sourcing platform. Better   R11 million each. They harvest between
              Cotton may be mixed with or replaced by    15 ha and 20 ha per day, so a farmer needs
              conventional cotton in its journey from field to   at least 1 000 ha under irrigation to make
              product. However, the volumes of Better Cotton   the investment viable. This equipment makes
              claimed by members on the online platform   cotton farming more productive and cost-
              should never exceed the volumes physically   effective, especially in the case of dry-land
              procured by spinners and traders.          cotton production.
                 The significant growth in the cotton industry   Mr Bruwer says that there was roughly
              has also resulted in capital investment of more   34 000 ha cotton planted during the past
              than R200 million on the ginning side. The   season, up from 7 500 ha in 2013, with more
              Loskop Cotton Gin in Marble Hall has been   than 40 000 ha expected for the new season.
              replaced with a totally new gin with increased   The industry had about 230 commercial
              capacity and another new gin in Koedoeskop,   farmers and about 1 250 small growers last
              Limpopo, is now in operation.              season, with 51 of the commercial farmers
                 Farmers are also putting their hands deep   and 1 115 of the smallholder farmers being
              into their pockets to buy new harvesting   BCI-licenced. The South African cotton-growing

                                                              Volume 21 No 1 March 2019  |  13
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