Page 7 - 16 Cotton SA December 2018
P. 7

Superweed discovered in SA in cotton

                                        ,  described  as  the  USA’s  number  one  weed

        because of its strong competitive ability with crops and its ability to

        thwart  the  best  weed  control  measures  and  to  establish  rapidly
        across  diverse  environments,  was  confirmed  in  April  2018  for  the

        first time in South Africa in a cotton field in the Douglas district.

                           (vernacular  An  exacerbating  characteristic  of
           names:   Palmer   amaranth;         is  its  ability  to  evolve
        careless  weed)  is  currently  rated  resistance in a relatively short time to
        America’s  top  ‘wicked’  weed  in  a range of herbicides. At this stage in
        terms of its detrimental impact on  the  US,  the  weed  has  developed
        maize,  cotton  and  soya  bean  resistance  to  five  groupings  of
        production.  Investigation  on  its  herbicides,  classified  according  to
        current distribution in South Africa,  their  mechanism  of  action,  namely:
        its tolerance to various herbicides,  protoporphyrinogen  oxidase  (PPO)
        and   management   options   is  inhibitors,   photo-synthesis   (PSII)
        underway  in  the  South  African  inhibitors,   acetolactate   synthase
        Herbicide   Resistance   Initiative  (ALS) inhibitors, micro-tubule disrup-
        (SAHRI)  research  programme  at  tors, and to glyphosate herbicide, an
        the University of Pretoria.    EPSPS enzyme inhibitor.

        Because  it  origi-                             In   the   US,
        nates  from  semi-                              different  Palmer
        arid regions in the                             amaranth  popu-
        USA,  this  weed                                lations   show
        has  the  ability  to                           variable   resis-
        wreak  havoc  in                                tance   to   the
        most  parts  of                                 aforementioned
        South     Africa                                herbicide mecha-
        where  crops  are                               nisms  of  action,
        produced,   per-                                with  the  most
        haps  with  the                                 common  type  of
        exception  of  the                              resistance to ALS
        winter   rainfall                               inhibitors   and
        region.  But  then                              glyphosate.  The
        again,  it  might                               rendering  inef-
        happen  that  no                                fective  of  such
        region   in   the                               major  herbicide
        country  will  be                               groups  has  had
        spared this wicked weed.       nearly  incalculable  crippling  conse-
                                       quences  for  especially  maize,  cotton
        This weed reportedly produces as  and soya bean production in the US.
        many as 500 000 to 1 million seeds
        per  plant.  Seeds  can  apparently
        survive for at least three years in
        soil  and  remain  viable.  The
        photosynthetic  efficacy  of
               is reportedly three to four
        times greater than that of cotton,
        maize and soya bean, and explains
        its  successful  competition  with                                A. palmeri female flower in Douglas cotton field.
        these crops.
                                                                                 Photos - Charlie Reinhardt

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