Page 10 - 11 Cotton SA March 2017
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               Scientists Crack Genetic Code for Leaf Shape in Cotton

                  lants come with an astounding array of leaf farmers over stably yielding "normal" leaves. The
              Pshapes,  and  researchers  know  that  this so-called "okra" leaves are less susceptible to
              variation can mean big differences in a farmer's boll  rot  than  what  researchers  refer  to  as
              bottom line. Now, a new discovery gives plant "normal"  leaves.  The  okra  leaves  also  allow
                                                                                   sprays to be dispersed

               breeders key genetic information                                    more evenly across the
               they   need    to                                                    associated with higher
                                                                                    rates of flowering and
               develop crop varie-                                                            rates    of
               ties that make the                                                   earlier
               most of these leaf-                                                   maturity.
                shape differences.
                                                                                      The  okra  leaf  type
                Researchers in the                                                    also  increases  the
                US  recently  de-                                                     expression  of  photo-
                scribed  how  they                                                    synthetic genes, pro-
                 manipulated    the                                    viding a link between leaf shape and
                 plant's  leaves  in  potentially  beneficial  ways. the ability of plants to convert light into energy
                 genetic code to alter
                 Scientists  have  recognized  that  cotton  plants for growth. It is believed that this leaf architecture
                 the shape of a cotton
                  with leaves that have five deep lobes, like the will result in an ideal cotton cultivar capable of
                  leaves  of  the  okra  plant,  offer  advantages  to combining the advantages of the two leaf shapes.

                     Britain back into cotton spinning

                        ritain's first cotton mill for more than 30
                     Byears has opened last year in Tameside,
                     Greater Manchester. English Fine Cottons will
                     be the sole cotton spinner in Britain with the
                      only  plant  in  Europe  producing  cotton  yarn,
                      from fibre preparation to spinning and winding.

                      A former Victorian cotton mill is now home to
                      the  most  modern  cotton  spinning  facility
                       anywhere. The idea is to create a true 'Made in
                       Britain'  business,  sourcing  premium  raw
                       materials globally to produce some of the finest
                       quality  cotton  yarns  available.  The  company
                       expects to produce 500 t a year and to double
                        production by the end of 2017.

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