Page 22 - July 2017 MelaLife
P. 22
Carrot Walnut Cake
Pesto Spaghetti 香蒜意粉
Ingredients: 材料: Ingredients:
• 1/2 cup pine nuts • ½杯松子 • 150g Caster sugar • 2 tbsps Prune juice
• 3 table spoons chopped garlic (9 cloves) • 3汤匙切碎大蒜(9个蒜瓣) • 150g Superfine, light flour • 50g Walnut
• 5 cups fresh basil leaves • 5杯新鲜罗勒叶 • 150ml Melaleuca grape seed oil • 10 Eggs white
• 1 cup fresh spinach • 1杯新鲜菠菜 • 1 Scoop Melaleuca FiberWise • 9 Eggs yolks
• 1 teaspoon salt • 1茶匙盐 Peach • 1 bowl of carrot slice
• 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper • 1茶匙新鲜研磨黑胡椒 • 2 tsp Baking powder • 1 bowl of prune
• 1 1/2 cups Melaleuca Grape Seed Oil • 1½杯美乐家植醇葡萄籽调和油 • 1 tsp Cream of Tartar
• 1 cup Parmesan Cheese • 1杯帕尔马干酪
Direction: 制作方法: • 150g 细砂糖
1. Place the pine nuts and garlic in the bowl of a food processor 1. 将松子和大蒜放入食物搅拌机 • 150g 特幼面粉
fitted with a steel blade. Process for 30 seconds. 中,搅拌30秒。 • 150ml 美乐家植
2. Add the basil leaves and spinach leaves, salt and pepper, with 2. 随后加入罗勒叶和菠菜、盐与黑 醇葡萄籽调和油
the processor running. 胡椒继续搅拌。 • 1勺美乐家活力
3. Slowly pour the grape seed oil into the processor mix until 3. 慢慢将植醇葡萄籽调和油加入搅 宝纤饮品粉末-
pesto is thoroughly pureed. Add the Parmesan cheese and 拌机,将香蒜酱搅拌至泥状后。 蜜桃口味
puree for a minute. 加入帕尔马干酪,再搅拌1分 • 2茶匙发酵粉
4. Serve with spaghetti and your choice of meat. Sprinkle some 钟。 • 1茶匙塔塔粉
pine nuts on the spaghetti and it is ready to be served. 4. 搭配您所喜爱的意大利面和肉 • 2汤匙西梅汁
类。在意大利面撒上松子,即可 • 50g 核桃
Storage note : Store the pesto in the refrigerator with thin film of 享用。 • 10个蛋白
grape seed oil on top. Pesto can be served with French bread too. • 9粒蛋黄
储存方法:在香蒜酱上加上一层薄薄 • 1碗萝卜丝
的葡萄籽油,放入冰箱储存。香蒜酱 • 1碗西梅干
Special Prize Winner 入围奖
Third Prize Winner 季军 Grape Seed Oil THAM FUNG LEE (2011875224)
Josephine Thian (810236279) 植醇葡萄籽调和油
SKU5542 | Regular Price 普通售价: RM62.00 (1 Bottle) Direction:
SAVE节省31% Preferred Customer: RM42.50 (4pts) 1. Preheat oven to 160°C/320 F
2. Beat egg white till frothy, sieve the cream of tartar onto egg white and continue to whisk till very stiff but not
SKU8097 | Regular Price 优惠价格: RM114.00 (2 Bottles) dry. Set aside.
3. Mix together the egg yolks, caster sugar, Melaleuca grape seed oil and beat lightly.
SAVE节省32% Preferred Customer: RM77.00 (7pts) 4. Sift the flour, baking powder and Melaleuca FiberWise Peach and put in a mixing bowl. Make a well in the
centre and slowly pour in the egg yolk mixture. Bring in flour from sides and beat until smooth.
5. Add the prune juice. Stir until blended.
6. Fold 1/3 of the egg white into the egg mixture and mix till just blended. Then add the rest of the egg white,
carrot slices and walnut and fold in lightly with rubber spatula till well blended.
7. Pour into a chiffon cake mould and bake for 45-50 mins or till cake springs back when pressed with finger.
1. 预热烤箱 160℃/320 F。
2. 将蛋白打成气泡状,以筛过滤塔塔粉加入蛋白内,继续搅打至蛋白渐渐形成坚挺状, 搁置备用。
3. 把蛋黄、细砂糖和美乐家植醇葡萄籽调和油轻轻混合打匀。
4. 将面粉、泡打粉和美乐家活力宝纤饮品粉末过筛,加入混合碗内。在碗中间掏出一个洞,将混合好的蛋黄浆慢慢倒入中间,
5. 加入西梅汁,搅拌均匀。
6. 将1/3 的蛋白拌入蛋黄浆,混合至均匀,不要过度搅拌。接着,将剩余的蛋白、用刮刀将萝卜丝和核桃拌入,混合均匀。
7. 倒入雪纺蛋糕模具,烘焙45-50分钟或是以手指轻轻按压时,蛋糕表面具有弹力即可。
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