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Appendix I: SSPE Grade Descriptors
Grade Overall course
A Knowledge and Understanding – Demonstrate an outstanding ability to perform and
A- advance various types of skills in sports and exercise sciences, understand and apply
knowledge and skills learned from the course towards advancement of human health,
performance and quality of life through effective education, promotion, evaluation,
research and development in a clear and cogent manner.
Overall presentation - Strong effort, excellent response; all components of the assignment
are present and used in an exemplary manner; high degree of professionalism exhibited in
work and presentation; assignment reflects superior effort, a high level of insight and
reflection, and oftentimes exceeds requirements; work is free from spelling and
grammatical errors.
B+ Knowledge and Understanding - Demonstrate the ability to partially apply various types of
B skills in sports and exercise sciences, understand and apply knowledge and skills learned
B- from the course (but not all) towards the advancement of human health, performance and
quality of life through education, promotion, evaluation, research and development in a
satisfactory and unambiguous way.
Overall presentation - Above average effort, above average response; all components of
the assignment are present and used in an appropriate manner; high degree of
professionalism exhibited in work and presentation; assignments reflects a strong effort,
some degree of reflection and insight, and may exceed requirements; work has one or two
spelling or grammatical errors.
C+ Knowledge and Understanding - Demonstrate the ability to partially apply various types of
C skills in sports and exercise sciences, understand and apply knowledge and skills learned
C- from the course (but not all) towards the advancement of human health, performance and
quality of life through education, promotion, evaluation, research and development in a
manner that is not incorrect but is somewhat fragmented.
Overall presentation - Average effort, average response; one or two of the components of
the assignment are missing; adequate level of professionalism with room for improvement;
little insight or reflection appears; work has more than three spelling or grammatical errors.
D+ Knowledge and Understanding - Demonstrate the ability to apply some simple types of skills
D in sports and exercise sciences, understand and apply knowledge and skills learned from the
course sometimes towards the advancement of human health, performance and quality of
life through education, promotion, evaluation, research and development in a manner that
is broadly correct in its essentials.
Overall presentation - Below average effort, below average response; two or more of the
components of the assignment are missing; professionalism is lacking; work is sloppy and
reflects a lack of attention to detail; five or more spelling or grammatical errors appear in
your assignment.
F Knowledge and Understanding - Unsatisfactory performance on the majority of learning
outcomes, or failure to meet specified assessment requirements.
Overall presentation - Inadequate effort, inadequate response; work is not acceptable; four
or more of the components of the assignment are missing; professionalism is lacking; work
is sloppy and reflects lack of attention to detail; assignment is replete with spelling and
grammatical errors.