Page 1 - The HandPrint_May-June
P. 1

May/June 2018



                                                     By Dylan Beach, Sustainability Specialist

                                                     You’ve probably noticed that most GOJO products have labels.
                                                     Labels provide important information, such as PURELL®
                                                     branding, ingredient composition, germ kill claims, and third-
                                                     party certifications. But we often don’t think much about what
                                                     the label is made of, and we probably think even less about the
                                                     release liner.

                                                     What is a release liner? A release liner is the carrier for the
                                                     label before the label is attached to the product. It is a paper or
          Retrieved from:  plastic-based sheet that is coated with a release agent, such as
                                                     silicone, which allows the adhesive coated top layer to release
          from the paper or plastic (see image to the left). GOJO implemented stage one of a project in March of 2017
          to use a 23% thinner polyester (PET) release liner paired with the label for some of its components.

          Let’s take a closer look at BS-00354, the base specification for back label
          artwork on 8 ounce PURELL bottles. Within BS-00354 there are twenty-five
          unique artwork material codes that have been updated. Between March 1        Inside this issue
          and December 31, 2017 GOJO used 10.1 million of these labels. All of the     GOJO Uses Thinner Label
          labels came off a PET release liner, which would normally equal              Release Liners…..……………….……….1
          approximately 88,000 cubic inches of polyester.                              Getting Charged Up with
          Reduce that release liner’s thickness by 23% and you avoid                   SCENE Team…………...………………....5
          approximately 20,000 cubic inches of PET. Expressed in square inches,        Financial Forms.………..………………..5
          this means about 17.1 million square inches less plastic will be used to     Global IT Security Training ..…….….5
          carry the same number of labels. That is enough to cover almost 3            Benefits—Traveling outside of the
          football fields! Now, imagine how many football fields of plastic we avoid by   country for non-GOJO busi-
          thinning the release liner across all GOJO products. Next, we plan to        ness…………………………………………...6
          introduce this reduction to an additional four label sizes. Together we can   Collapsible Bottle Blowing………..10
          create Sustainable Value.                                                    GOTIP……………………………………….11

          Special thanks to GOJO team members Jeanette Bogdanski, Patrick Brooks,  Special points of interest
          Matthew E. Fox, Steve Frankart, Mitch Fuhrer, Jonathan Johnson, Matthew
          Kaeler, Mark Meneer, Sharon Miller, Dina Wiley, Donna Wolcott, and           Employee Spotlight………….………...4
          Madeline Zak who helped make this project possible.                          Employees on the Move..………..7-9
                                                                                       2018 Graduates…………………..12-14
                                                                                       Sustainability Fair.……………….15-16
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