Page 10 - The HandPrint_May-June
P. 10


     GOJO Wooster Campus

         By Michael Jons, Wooster Operations Administration
         In order to help achieve our Vision as The Global Leader in Healthy Skin and Healthy Places – a Force
         Making Businesses, Institutions and Society Stronger and to improve and optimize our processes, we
         need to leverage capabilities throughout the Enterprise. An important area of emphasis is to continue to
         expand our capabilities at GOJO Wooster Campus.
         We’re excited to celebrate another milestone in manufacturing: the installation, finalization, and beginning
         of production of collapsible bottle blowing at GOJO Wooster Campus. In-sourcing collapsible bottle
         blowing creates value for the entire Enterprise by enabling Supply Chain to:

         •  leverage material handling automation efficiencies through finished-to-order and work-in-progress

         •  reduce costs;
         •  improve service levels to manufacturing;
         •  reduce transportation cost;

         •  reduce our overall carbon footprint because of the reduction in transportation;
         •  reduce scrap/damage costs of bottles;
         •  and reduce inventory carrying cost.

         We have produced 1,563,000 bottles year-to-date, and we are actively working with our collapsible bottle
         supplier, Alpha, to transition all bottle production in-house. TFX and FMX bottles have transitioned to in-
         house production, and we are currently working to finalize the remainder of the bottles.
         Our collapsible bottle blowing journey has allowed us to develop new processes, implement new
         technologies, apply existing technology in new ways, hire and train new GOJO team members, and build
         and develop competencies that are vital to the successful implementation and maintenance of the bottle
         blowing process. We will continue to ramp up our production throughout 2018. This ramp up will include
         expanding production over three shifts, five days a week in order to deliver TFX, FMX1250, FMX2000,
         FFC, and ADX for the Enterprise.
         This is another exciting milestone for GOJO, and in true GOJO fashion, we will continue to learn,
         innovate, and collaborate to create value for the Enterprise and adapt to the new ways of working within
         Supply Chain.
         Thank you to the GOJO team members who collaborated to make this project a success:

         •  Tom Coray                   •  Gloriann Martinek     •  Bob Straight

         •  Chuck Earnest               •  Tom Marting           •  Sandy Stranski
         •  Barb Fox                    •  Sharon Miller         •  Matt Tokar

         •  Steve Frankart              •  Carl Peterson
         •  John Henley                 •  Attila Pocze
         •  Shane Huffman
                                        •  Harry Ritenour
         •  Greg Jensen – Sponsor
                                        •  Todd Rowe
         •  Mike Jons – Project Mgr.
                                        •  Tom Scarberry
         •  Gyan Kumar – Sponsor
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