Page 13 - The HandPrint_May-June
P. 13


                        SUPPLIER DAY EVENT, CONTINUED

                           Elise Hooker, daughter of John                        Deangelo Howard, son of
                           Hooker, IT Administration,                            Decrisha Howard, Cleaning &
                           graduated with honors from                            Sanitization, graduated from
                           Green High School. While at                           Bedford High School. In the Fall
                           Green, Elise participated in                          of 2018, he will be attending
                           Choir, Ensemble, and Musical                          Southwest University in California
                           Theater and competed on the                           to study business.
                           cross country and track teams.
                           She will be attending American
                           University in the Fall to pursue a
                           degree in International Studies
                           and continue her running
                           career as a member of the
                           American University Eagles
                           Cross Country and Track and
                           Field teams.

                           Madison Rose Jones, daughter                          Kimberly Kramer, daughter of
                           of John A. Jones, Human                               Nicole Smith, Development
                           Performance, graduated from                           Laboratory, graduated from
                           the University of Akron with a                        Green High School.  Kimberly
                           Bachelor of Arts degree in                            was a 4-time regional qualifier
                           Integrated Language Arts.                             for the 100M hurdles.  She will
                           Starting in the fall of 2018,                         complete her GOLD award for
                           Madison will be working full time                     Girl Scouts this Summer, then
                           in ministry with H20 at the                           begin her collegiate career at
                           University of Akron.                                  Ohio Northern University where
                                                                                 she will continue to hurdle on the
                                                                                 track team and pursue a
                                                                                 Bachelor of Science degree.

                          Sally Maltempi, daughter of                            Carlea Marie Masters, daughter
                          Vince Maltempi, Global Quality,                        of Brian Masters, Facilities
                          graduated from Rootstown High                          Maintenance, graduated from
                          School. She will be studying                           Springfield High School with
                          music education at Kent State                          honors. In the Fall, she will be
                          University this Fall.                                  attending Kent State University to
                                                                                 study architecture.

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