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March/April 2018
A Continued Focus on Building Enterprise Capability
By Carey Jaros & Jessica McCoy, Project DAWN Co-Sponsors Inside this issue
At GOJO, we are constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of Project DAWN…………………….………1
our markets, our customers, our business, and our employees. We The 2017 JERRYs Winners…...2, 6-8
prepare for the future with continuous strategic and business Claims Process Update...……….……3
planning, and as a learning organization, we focus on meeting those Benefits Highlight.…………..............5
changing needs by asking, “How might we…?” We then apply those AHA Heart Walk—Save the Date
learnings to our business to improve our products, our capabilities, GOJO® Multi Green..……….….…..13
and our processes. Asking, “How might we improve our Marketing Supplier Day Event……….….…14-15
processes to build our competitive advantage?” resulted in the
initiation of Project DAWN (Demand Activation Marketing Network— Building a Sustainability Champion
turning Marketing upside down). …………………………...……….….……...16
Our goal with Project DAWN is to build a world-class marketing Special points of interest
ecosystem. We will optimize, refine, and re-engineer our current Did You Know……...……..……..……..3
marketing processes to remove barriers and build competencies and Employee Spotlight……..……..……..4
capabilities across the Enterprise. By improving our marketing Employees on the Move..……..9-11
processes, we have a significant opportunity to drive profitable Goldie and Jerry Lippman
growth, category leadership, sustainable competitive advantage, and Education Grant Recipients………12
brand equity in each market, channel, and category.
More than 80 GOJO team members are advancing Project DAWN. CALL FOR 2018
Sub-teams formed in January, and the project is on target for GRADUATES!
completion by August 2018. Project DAWN teams are critically
assessing our current marketing strategies and processes, We will be featuring graduates in
researching best practices, and developing process improvement the next issue of The Handprint. If
you or a family member are
recommendations. graduating or have graduated in
2018 and you’d like that
information to be included in the
We are looking forward to the accomplishments of this team and their next issue, please email the
recommendations for optimizing our marketing ecosystem. If you name of the graduate, the school
have any questions, please contact either project sponsor or core from which they are graduating,
and a photo to
team leaders, David Brownley and Jennie Kilker. We will keep you
updated on the progress of Project DAWN.
MAY 30, 2018*