Page 2 - The HandPrint_March-April
P. 2

         Inspiring, Leading & Learning

                                                                                  By Beth Beddow, Learning &

                                                                                  2017 marked the 13th
                                                                                  anniversary of The JERRYs
                                                                                  Employee Recognition Awards.
                                                                                  On April 9th, finalists of The
                                                                                  2017 JERRYs gathered at the
                                                                                  Galaxy in Wadsworth to
                                                                                  celebrate our accomplishments
                                                                                  as an Enterprise, to learn, and
                                                    to look ahead to the future.

                                                    The JERRYs are about celebrating and learning. The JERRYs
                                                    are also about taking the time to learn about the amazing
                                                    things going on across the Enterprise each and every day, and
                                                    understanding the vital role each of us plays in the success of
                                                    GOJO. The JERRYs is about telling those stories of
                                                    collaboration, innovation, success, and failures so we can pull

        Pictured above, left to right:  Carey Jaros,   forward learnings and build upon them in 2018 and beyond.
        Marcella Kanfer Rolnick, and Ron
        Hammond pose for a impromptu photo op.
                                                    At GOJO, we tell our stories to transform ourselves; to learn
                                                    about our history and share experiences; to make a difference
                                                    in our families, our business, our markets, and our world.
                                                    That’s what we’re about at GOJO – our Purpose of Saving
                                                    Lives and Making Life Better Through Well-Being Solutions is
                                                    what drives everything we do. Telling our stories of success
                                                    and failure allows us to reflect on our past, to consider our
                                                    present, and to see beyond tomorrow.

                                                    The 2017 JERRYs garnered more nominations than any year
         Pictured above, left to right: Joe Kanfer and   in the past - a clear reflection of the phenomenal achievements
         Marcella Kanfer Rolnick welcoming guests
         to The JERRYs Celebration.                 of GOJO team members. Nearly 300 GOJO team members
                                                    attended The JERRYs Celebration. Teams and individuals
                                                    were recognized for demonstrating competencies that lead to
                                                    accomplishments while also contributing to GOJO Ways of
                                                    Working and the overall success of the Enterprise.
                                                    Congratulations to all 2017 JERRYs nominees, finalists,
                                                    and winners! Continued on pages 6-8.

        Pictured above, left to right: Joe Kanfer with
        Bea and Bob Walker. Bob was the first
        Salesperson to work for GOJO.                                                                       2
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