Page 12 - The HandPrint_May-June
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Ryan Angel, son of Keith Amanda Archer, daughter of
Angel, Tooling and Product Barbara Fox, Product
Commercialization, Acceleration, graduated from
graduated from the University Southeast Missouri State
of Akron with a Bachelor University with a Masters of
degree in accounting. Natural Science Mathematics.
Sunetrius “Sunshine” David Bogdanski, son of
Armstrong, daughter of Jeanette Bogdanski,
Demetrius Armstrong, Project Operations Administration,
Management, graduated from graduated from the University
Perry High School. In the Fall of of Akron with a Bachelor of
2018, she will be attending Science degree in Mechanical
Prairie View A&M University Engineering. David worked at
located in Texas. GOJO throughout his
education, starting in the QC
labs, Engineering, and is
currently on the Maintenance
Project Team. He’s pursuing a
future in the engineering field.
Mackenzie Faith Boyd, Sierra Hershman, daughter of
daughter of Ann Boyd, Tonette Hershman, Sales—
Healthcare, graduated from Canada, graduated from
CORA Preschool in May 2018. Firestone High School as
She plans to enjoy her summer Valedictorian from the
by playing with her sister and International Baccalaureate
cousin. This Fall, she will start and Akron School for the Arts
Kindergarten at Stow City Programs. She was a Drum
School district. Major, played trumpet, and
was a member of National
Honor Society. She will be
attending The University of
Akron for an undergraduate
degree in International Business
before attending Law School,
with future hopes to work with
international non-profit