Page 14 - The HandPrint_May-June
P. 14
Bernard Melton, son of Erik Rockhold, Mixing, has
Decrisha Howard, Cleaning been with GOJO for eleven
& Sanitization, graduated years. This past Spring, he
from Bedford High School. graduated from Kent State
He will be studying business University with a Bachelor of
at the University of Cincinnati Science in Applied
this Fall. Engineering.
Lauren Weber, PMG General Hannah Weisburn, daughter of
Administration, graduated John Weisburn, Operations
from the University of Akron Administration, graduated with
with her MBA. She plans to honors from Revere High
continue her career at School. She was a member of
GOJO. National Honor Society,
National Art Honor Society, Mu
Alpha Theta, and the Quill and
Scroll International Honor
Society. Hannah will continue
to follow her passion for the
arts by pursuing a degree in
Product Design at the College
for Creative Studies in Detroit,
Audrey Rose Villers, daughter of
Michael Villers, Global Quality,
graduated from Perry High
School. She will be attending
Kent State University this Fall to
further her education.