Page 68 - Merchandiser Refresher Course
P. 68

Tips to stay hydrated this summer…

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     CARRY A RESUABLE                      SET A REMINDER                        TAKE A DRINK                      MONITOR YOUR
         WATER BOTTLE                       EVERY HOUR TO                     AFTER USING THE                             URINE
                                             DRINK WATER                           RESTROOM

          Make it easy for yourself     Remind  yourself  to  take  a            Another  trick  is  to  think        The simplest way to tell if
     to stay hydrated by tossing        sip  by  setting  a  reminder       “one  out,  one  in.”  This         you are hydrated is to take
     one of these bottles in your       on  your  phone.  An  hourly        method  will  only  work  to        a  look  at  your  pee.  If  it  is
     bag and taking sips all day        “ping”  can  remind  you  to        maintain  hydration.  If  you       clear to faintly yellow, then
     long.  Studies  have  shown        regularly  drink  a  glass  of      are  already  dehydrated,           you  are  on  the  right  track.
     that  people  who  carry           water,  and  help  keep  you        you    will   not   use   the       If  your  urine  is  medium  to
     around     reusable    water       hydrated  throughout  your          restroom  often  enough  for        dark  yellow,  it  is  evident
     bottles  end  up  consuming        day.                                this method to work.                that  you  need  to  increase
     more fluids each day.                                                                                      hydration immediately.
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