P. 2
Whittley Anderson Lou Oelklaus
“I called in on one of the worst days I have had in a long “Lou deserves a raise - he just saved me so much time and
time. I am far away from home and having major car trouble - I am seriously in this man's debt. My keys were in
trouble. In addition to that I am having horrible cell service. my trunk and my car is loaded with all my possessions as I'm
All I wanted was my options and Whittley went above and moving cross country. Lou found a you-tube video and found
beyond. She was very patient, polite and understanding. She a way in! He saved me today.”
explained fully what my membership covered. I got off the
phone feeling great about what options I had with my Cherie Frahm
membership and overall feeling ‘normal’ again and not as “I just wanted to let everyone know of the experience I had
frantic about my situation.” when I called in on Saturday for service. I was very frazzled
and upset at my situation when I called in and got to speak to
Marty McCuistion Cherie Frahm. She handled my situation with professionalism
“Martin was exceptional. He was able to give me all the right and courtesy. She was able to calm me down and made me
information and made sure I'm safe. He did a wonderful job!” feel ten times better about what was going on. She even made
me laugh a few times which cheered me up. So, thank you
Cherie for providing some legendary service! I appreciate the
assistance you provided, and I know our members appreciate
Jasmine Pipes
“I have had some physical problems lately and I haven’t it as well!”
driven and let my battery run down in my car. This could
have been such a stressful problem, but Jasmine was just so Janine McNeese
wonderful. She was efficient and went above and beyond for “Janine is an excellent representative that helped me out
me. She was kind and sweet and just so reassuring. She made greatly. It’s a rough day and hot out here but she tried to
me feel good and very encouraged.” make it pleasant for me. AAA need more people like her -
you never know what is going on when someone’s car breaks
down. She isn't triple A - she is 10 As!”
Ereka Williams Fane
“Ereka has absolutely impeccable customer service
skills. She really made my day after the horribleness of Brittany Cunningham
everything else. Thank you for everything you do and for “I know that you probably get more negative than positive
making the transition with towing my vehicle so smooth!” feedback, so I wanna tell you how GREAT and AWESOME
Brittany was! I used to work for AAA and I remember the
challenging calls, especially when working the late
shift. Brittany was very patient and nice, I want to give her
Engy Fayek
“My English isn’t very good, but I need you to know what a 20,000 compliments! You guys are the best!”
sweetheart Engy is! She is very personable, very clear, and
very knowledgeable! When I first called, it felt like my head
was going to explode, I was so upset with AAA about my Marquisha Terry
account. But, Engy turned it around for me! Thank God that “Quisha did a great job for me today. She didn't make me
I spoke with her because her attitude was EXACTLY what I repeat myself and she acted like my concerns are valid. She
needed. Thank you!!” was very kind and I appreciate that AAA is there for me.”