Page 34 - AASBO EDGE Fall 2021 WEB
P. 34

Food Service Was Hampered by Shortages During Covid


        that and come up with a solution for the kids.”         For a while, there was difficulty getting bottled water
                                                                because manufactures couldn’t obtain the resin needed
        What’s in  store? “Prices  are  going  up  and  there’s  a  to make plastic, she said.
        shortage of labor,” Moore said. “Supply chain challenges
        are expected to last well into 2022. Freight rates have  “The good news is – things are coming back,” Moore
        doubled over the last year.”                            said.

        Instead of producing 20 different kinds of chicken  She urged her audience, whether they’re in food service
        nuggets, manufacturers are shrinking the number and  or  some other  field,  to  rely  on  associations,  such  as
        getting more efficiency from their staff, Moore said.   AASBO and the School Nutrition  Association for
        Another factor in the food chain is a shortage of computer
        chips for vehicles, including trucks.  Chips are on ships  Her advice: utilize your resources, including AASBO;
        from China, and the ships can’t get to a port because  be transparent; remain flexible and be innovative.
        “they don’t have people to unload them and they can’t
        find a driver to get them where they need to go,” Moore  “Let’s work together,” Moore said. “Remember this –
        explained.                                              just don’t give up.”

         Cardboard for packaging is in short supply as well, she   Karen Moore can be reached at: Karen_moore @shamrockfoods.
        said, because much of it was purchased by  Amazon.      com or 602 477-6935
        “Amazon skyrocketed during Covid because they bring
        you everything in a box,” she said.

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