Page 138 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 138
and people. Rev. 14:6 (see Greek). In this case it is not
the Church which shall complete the witness and it evi-
dently can be no sign to her.
We conclude then that like the "day and hour," it is
known to God only, and the Church can have no definite
sign in it. Therefore nothing is left for us to do, but
faithfully to continue proclaiming the glad tidings of the
coming kingdom while we watch momentarily for the Bride-
No. XI. Some Here Live to See Kingdom.
It is objected, that we are taught in Mat. 16:28; Mark
9 :1, and Luke 9 :27, that the coming of Christ, and of the
kingdom, should occur during the lifetime of some of the
multitude (Mar. 8:34) to whom Jesus spake, and that
therefore His coming and kingdom can only be interpreted
viz.: the establishment of the power of the
gospel by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, on the day
of Pentecost, or as some hold, figuratively, viz. : the destruc-
tion of Jerusalem and the Jewish polity by the Romans,
and the establishment of the Church. That is, as they
Christ came, by His Spirit, on the day of Pentecost
and manifested His power through the disciples, in the
preaching of the gospel, performing of miracles, etc., or,
He came through the Roman army, destroyed Jerusalem
and that His Kingdom
and overthrew the Jewish polity,
is the Church over which He now reigns, or (as some say)
in which or through which He now reigns over the nations
of the earth.
(64) Mat. 24 :36. But of that of death, till they have seen the
day and hour knoweth no man, kingdom of God come with power,
no, not the angels of heaven, but Luke 9 :27. But I tell you of
my Father only. a truth, there be some standing
(65) Mat. 16:28. Verily I here, which shall not taste of
say unto you, There be some death, till they see the kingdom
standing here, which shall not of God.
taste of death, till they -see the (66) Mark 8 :34. And when
Son of man coming in his king- he had called the people unto
dom. liim with, his disciples also, he
Mark 9 :1. And he said unto said unto them, Whosoever will
them, Verily I say unto you, come after me, let him deny hlm-
That there be some o* them that self, and take up his cross, and
stand here, which shall not taste follow me.