Page 139 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 139

136             JESUS IS COMING.
          We answer  The Holy Spirit is a distinct person, not to
        be confounded with the person of Christ.  The Savior ex-
        pressly said: "I will pray the Father and He shall give
        you another comforter" (John 14:16), and if it be another,
        it cannot be Himself.  He, the Holy Spirit, came according
                      67  and
        to the promises,    it  is entirely inconsistent to con-
        found this event with Christ's return, which latter  is in
        accordance with other promises, that He should Himself
        come again.  They are two events, as distinct as the births
        of Moses and John.
          It is true that Christ is spiritually with, or in, believ-
           68  and
        ers,     it  is just as true that He always has been,
        and that in  this sense He has never' left them, for He
        said: "Lo!  I am with you alway," Mat.  28:20. Mark
        the language: "I AM with you alway." He was with them
        during those days of prayer previous to the day of Pente-
        cost, and He has been with His people all the time.  But
        suddenly the  (Parakleetos) Comforter came, another per-
        son and for a special and glorious purpose.  It is, therefore,
        conclusive, that this coming of the Holy Spirit is a mani-
        festation of the Divine presence, entirely different from,
        and superadded to, the spiritual presence of Christ, which
        latter, according to His own language, has never been with-
        drawn from His people. He never went away spiritually,
        but He did go bodily and visibly, and in like manner shall
        He return.
          (67) John 14:16.  And  I will  and make our abode with him.
        pray the  Father,  and he  shall  JQ^Q 17:23.  I  In them, and
        give you another Comforter, that  thou  in me,  that they may be
         he may abide with you for ever ;  made  per fect  in one ; and that
          26. But the Comforter, which  the world may know that thou
        is  the Holy  Ghost, whom  the  hast  sent  me,  and  hast  loved
         father  will send  in my name,  them, as thou hast loved me.
         he  shall  teach you  all  things,  (jaj, 4 : ig.  My little children,
         and bring all things to your re-
                                 of Whom i travail in birth again
         membrance,  whatsoever  I have  unti i Christ be formed in you.
         8aid Un  y U -
          A , ^                    (69) Acts 1:11.  Which  also
          Also 15:26 and 16:7.        Ye men   Galilee, why
                                 S aid,      of
          (68) John 14:23.  Jesus an-  stand ye gazing up into heavea?
         swered and said unto him,  If a  this same Jesus, which  is taken
         man love me, he  will keep my  up from you  into heaven,  shall
         words  : and my Father will love  so come  in  like manner as  ye
         him, and we will come unto hiu,  have seen him go  into heaven.
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