Page 248 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 248

      Lutheran Church Work (Ev. Luth.), Baltimore, Md.
      Mission Field (Dutch Reformed), 25 E. 22d St., New York.
      Mission Herald, The, 624 S. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
      Missionaeren (Swedish), W. Wrightwood Ave., Chicago.
      Missions (Baptist), Ford Bldg., Boston, Mass.
      Missionary Advance, The, 904 U. B. Bldg., Dayton, 0.
      Missionary Herald, The, 14 Beacon  St., Boston, Mass.
      Missionary Intelligencer, The  (Disciples), Cincinnati, 0.
      Missionary Link, The (U. Missionary Soc.), New York.
      Missionary Messenger, The (Ev. Asso.), Cleveland, 0.
      Missionary Outlook, The (Meth.), Toronto, Ont.
      Missionary Reporter, The, 150 Fifth Ave., New York.
      Missionary Review of the World, The, New York.
      Missionary Survey, The  (Presby.), Atlanta, Ga.
      Missionary Tidings, The  (Disciples), Indianapolis, Ind.
      Missionary Tidings, The (U. Ev.), Lebanon, Pa.
      Missionary Visitor, The (Ch. of Brethren), Elgin,  111.
      Missionary Voice, The (Meth. So.), Nashville, Tenn.
      Neglected Continent, The, 135 Isabella  St., Toronto, Ont.
      North Africa (N. A. M.), 18 John St., London, Eng.
      Olive Trees (Ref. Presby), 4031 Locust  St., Philadelphia.
      Our Missions, 15 Devonshire St., E. C., London, Eng.
      Other Sheep  (Nazarene), 2109 Troost Ave., Kansas City.
      Outlook of Missions, The (Ger. Ref.), Philadelphia, Pa.
      Over Land and Sea (Presby.), 156 Fifth Ave., New York.
      Prayer & Work for Israel, 2654 Marion Ave., New York.
      Presby. Record, The (Presby.), Toronto, Ont.
      Record of Christian Work, East Northfield, Mass.
      Regions Beyond, The  (R. B. M. U.), London, Eng.
      South African Pioneer, The (S. A. G. M.), Brooklyn, N. Y.
      South America, Paternoster Row, London, Eng.
      South American Missionary Magazine, The, London, Eng.
      Spirit of Missions, The, 281 Fourth Ave., New York.
      Voice of Missions (African M. E.), Bible House, New York.
      Wesleyan Methodist, The, Sheridan, Ind.
      Woman's Home Missions, 150 Fifth Ave., New York.
      Woman's Missionary Record (Meth. Prot.), Baltimore, Md.
      Woman's Work (Presby.), 156 Fifth Ave., New York.
      World Outlook, The, 150 Fifth Ave., New York.
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